| - A two-handed staff art. A powerful swing that could reduce the hardest stone to dust. Deals heavy damage.
- Crush es un personaje de la película Finding Nemo.
- In Crush, the player takes control of the giant ball that Razoff uses in the second part of his fight against Rayman. The player must crush the frogs that hop around on the paths. There are two bars at the bottom of the screen, one red and one yellow. Crushing a frog earns the player a point, and takes away some of the yellow bar, and adds some time to the red timer bar. The larger the frog crushed, the more time that goes into the red bar. The player must empty the yellow bar before the red bar depletes itself. The player must be careful to avoid dropping the ball into the many pits around the room or it could take a long while to reemerge.
- Crush is a terrain in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses that is created by the effect of "Crush Card", the effect of "Dark Plant" or by destroying an Immortal monster in battle. Any monster that has 1500 or more ATK, except for Immortal monsters, will be destroyed when it goes over the Crush space. No monsters are powered down on this terrain, but Immortal monsters are powered up by 500 points, cannot be destroyed even if they have 1500 or more ATK, and can move two spaces if face up.
- Crush is a male doll from Dream of Doll. He is part of their Dream of Idol line, which is full-sized. There are two regular versions available, each with a different faceup and outfit.
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