| - The Imperial Armed Forces of Jinavia constitute the set of the regular armed forces of the Holy Empire of Jinavia. The purpose of the IAF is not only the defense of the borders of the Empire from any enemy, internal or external, but also support the global settlement over the management of communication lines, the development of all technologies too expensive for colonization private entities and generally any other task that the Emperor decided to entrust to them. On 9th May 1934 the Emperor Jules VIII signed a decree establishing the Jinavian Ministry of War and placing all Jinavian Armed Forces under the newly created Ministry. Although the unified Jinavian armed forces were formed in 1934, the Jinavian military dates its roots back to the times of foundation of the Empire. As head of state, the Emperor is the Supreme Commander of Imperial Armed Forces, whose statements can not be waived from. By definition, the Imperial Military is under the overall command of the reigning Emperor or Regent as commander-in-chief. Consequently, in his role as the Emperor's Voice, any Imperial Auditor can command military forces as he sees fit. Only the Emperor (or Regent) could override him. Executive authority is exercised by the Prime Minister of the Empire and the Minister of War. The Ministry of War is the highest level of military direction, responsible for formulating, in conjunction with the Imperial General Staff, the policy of the Armed Forces. Serving in Jinavia’s military forces is considered the best possible career for a Jinavian man, but is almost totally closed to women. Everyone respects a soldier, even an enemy. It’s understood that the economy needs scientists, farmers, professionals, clerks, and other tradesfolk, but real men are soldiers. Military discipline is achieved by requiring commanders at all levels to always be at the head of his men. The basic order is "FOLLOW ME". The officer is the first out, the first to risk, the first to die. For officers of all arms and services is socially mandatory practice horse-riding, hunting, and of horseracing. Corps and Arms more involved are Cavalry, the Horse Artillery and the Gendarmerie.