| - You think you're so smart. Your brain is full of "knowledge" and "intelligence". There's not a thing that you, , don't know, right? You're so full of it. Well, sir, you're not as smart as you make yourself out to be. People have told you many, many things and you believe a ton of that crap. That doesn't make you smart; it just makes you gullible. People tell all these things and some of it is true. But little do you know that what they forget to tell you could corrupt you and infect your mind for the rest of your life. I'm doing you a favor, .
| - You think you're so smart. Your brain is full of "knowledge" and "intelligence". There's not a thing that you, , don't know, right? You're so full of it. Well, sir, you're not as smart as you make yourself out to be. People have told you many, many things and you believe a ton of that crap. That doesn't make you smart; it just makes you gullible. Yes, what you are thinking is correct; I am indeed suggesting that everything everybody has told you is a lie, that you are stupid and gullible to believe them, and that life is so much more horrifying than many adults tell you it is. This is because adults simply do not have the time to care about you (too busy having sex). Don't worry about it; though; you'll get them back. Yes, , I am smarter than you, so you should believe me on this. People word the "information" in such a way that you won't get the wrong idea. Hah! I fooled you. You really are gullible. This, like everything everybody has told you, is only PARTLY true; they tell you crap in a careful demeanor so that you don't realize the truth. This would give you a terrribly negative view of life, and of course, nobody wants that. People tell all these things and some of it is true. But little do you know that what they forget to tell you could corrupt you and infect your mind for the rest of your life. I'm doing you a favor, .