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- Pinecone is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- The outermost planet in the system, Ellis XIII, is known locally as Pinecone due to its strange shattered rock surface. Pinecone is rich in heavy minerals and is a popular destination for long-haul miners, many of whom transport ores all the way back to Earth itself for resale.
- Pinecone is a blue smiling log and that's about it.
- La planète la plus éloignée du système, Ellis XIII, est connue localement sous le nom de Pinecone en raison de son étrange surface rocheuse accidentée. Pinecone, riche en minéraux lourd, est une destination très en vue pour les mineurs long-courriers dont la plupart transportent les minerais jusqu’à la Terre pour les revendre aux meilleurs prix.
- Pine cones come from the Great Wizards otherwise known as Pine Trees also known as Evergreen Trees. They were also called a tall thing that will give you more pine cones earlier in this article. The main purpose of the cone's shape is unknown. Most people think that the Great Wizards are too good to have 'for real' seeds. Thus, the pine cone was born. Pine cones typically can be found underneath an evergreen tree. They can't really walk, so they don't go much farther from there. They can fly, but only as far as you can throw them. Pine cones were known in the past as the Kings of The Underbrush, Oh I beg you Please Do Not Step on Us, and thrived as mighty rulers. Their servants were lions, who often claimed to be king, but the pine cones told them what to do. The pine cones had tasks such
- Pinecones are actually living creatures and prefer to not be handled by humans or they will swordfight you with their sharp....pines....and they will attack you. This has been proven to be false, but have you ever been alone and then suddenly a pinecone falls on your head? That's because it jumped out of its pining nest (up in the tree) to land on your head and hurt you, or to land on the ground and miss you.
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- Pinecone is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- The outermost planet in the system, Ellis XIII, is known locally as Pinecone due to its strange shattered rock surface. Pinecone is rich in heavy minerals and is a popular destination for long-haul miners, many of whom transport ores all the way back to Earth itself for resale.
- Pinecones are actually living creatures and prefer to not be handled by humans or they will swordfight you with their sharp....pines....and they will attack you. This has been proven to be false, but have you ever been alone and then suddenly a pinecone falls on your head? That's because it jumped out of its pining nest (up in the tree) to land on your head and hurt you, or to land on the ground and miss you. Pinecones are very smart and intelligent as they can swim, climb, play football, basketball, tennis, softball, watch tv, play ping-pong, and so many other things. Do not underestimate the power of the pinecone.
- Pine cones come from the Great Wizards otherwise known as Pine Trees also known as Evergreen Trees. They were also called a tall thing that will give you more pine cones earlier in this article. The main purpose of the cone's shape is unknown. Most people think that the Great Wizards are too good to have 'for real' seeds. Thus, the pine cone was born. Pine cones typically can be found underneath an evergreen tree. They can't really walk, so they don't go much farther from there. They can fly, but only as far as you can throw them. Pine cones were known in the past as the Kings of The Underbrush, Oh I beg you Please Do Not Step on Us, and thrived as mighty rulers. Their servants were lions, who often claimed to be king, but the pine cones told them what to do. The pine cones had tasks such as sitting, waiting, and most unfortunately, getting stepped on. The pine cones would one day become great wizards, and could cast spells such as being really tall, and swaying in the wind. Do you like Pine cones? You should. The Pine Cones alone have little power. However little power by itself, may make them more powerful. If you don't eat them when they command you to, they can be lethal, however. Pine cones are also masters of insults. However, their voices are so high pitched that you can not hear them. They will diss you silently. Until you accidentally step on them. Pine cones are in some ways ninjas. They could fall out of a Wizard's grasp just as you are walking underneath one and it could ambush you. That would suck pretty bad. At least I would think so.
- Pinecone is a blue smiling log and that's about it.
- La planète la plus éloignée du système, Ellis XIII, est connue localement sous le nom de Pinecone en raison de son étrange surface rocheuse accidentée. Pinecone, riche en minéraux lourd, est une destination très en vue pour les mineurs long-courriers dont la plupart transportent les minerais jusqu’à la Terre pour les revendre aux meilleurs prix.
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