| - The King may select a mini-game from a selection of three random cards and then everyone will have to compete against each others and as well against the King himself in some cases, in order to gain points. Once the three mini-games are finished, it goes back into the battle royal, in order to choose the new king for the next series of mini-games. This process will repeat itself until at least one soldier reached 5000 points. |-| Objective= The main objective is to collect as many points as possible, in an attempt to reach the 5000 points goal to possibly win. Playing the various mini-game as soldiers and/or kings will grant them many points for completing various objective, such as surviving, etc. If one or more soldiers reached the goal, they will be watching the battle royal and will only participate once one remains or the timer runs out. Then, the remaining soldiers fight. If the winner of that battle do not meet the goal, he will further extend the game as he'll be the king for the next three mini-games. Otherwise, if he has the necessary points to win, the game ends with him celebrating his coronation! |-| Maps= File:GoldenThrone.png Golden Throne: A medium-sized arena located within the courtyard of an ancient temple. Soldiers will compete against each others in order to entertain their King... or annoy him by surviving!