| - It seems that, when Dead Baby Comedy is concerned, sexual attraction to children is as good a source of laughs as anything else, especially when the person being persecuted is innocent (of that particular crime). The kid might scream, or parents/nannies might overlook the conversation and come to the wrong conclusion, but it usually ends with several parents chasing the would-be-creep with peppersprays, purses filled with bricks and TASERs. If he's a villain, we laugh. If he's an Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist, we also laugh. If he's an actual paedophile, the trope doesn't really apply.
| - It seems that, when Dead Baby Comedy is concerned, sexual attraction to children is as good a source of laughs as anything else, especially when the person being persecuted is innocent (of that particular crime). It usually goes like this: A small child grabs the MacGuffin the main characters are trying to fetch, or is otherwise important to the plot in some way - they might be children of the boss to whom they have to suck up, or even a MacGuffin themselves. As the main characters approach the child, unaware of how to behave and how to act, it seems to onlookers (and to the viewer, wasn't he in on the plot) that the interest in the kid is of a sexual nature. The kid might scream, or parents/nannies might overlook the conversation and come to the wrong conclusion, but it usually ends with several parents chasing the would-be-creep with peppersprays, purses filled with bricks and TASERs. If he's a villain, we laugh. If he's an Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist, we also laugh. If he's an actual paedophile, the trope doesn't really apply. Surprisingly, what never happens is any serious involvement of the police (it seems that overzealous parents are more than sure of their own creep-chasing abilities) or some sort of clarification that the character in question is not attracted to children. Guess they'll have to live with being mistaken for paedophiles all their lives. This is rarely done as a criticism of overzealous mass-hysteria regarding child abuse. Also, no-one ever seems to realise how absurd it would be for a paedophile to accost children so publicly. The victim is almost Always Male as because of the Double Standard woman doing the same thing would just be dismissed as playing around or being nice. To show you the disparity the sole female on this list was actually feeling up little girls backstage at a child beauty pageant (she was looking for a nine year old murderess with scoliosis) and was actually allowed to stay and watch the kids perform; any man doing that would have been run out of the building even if he had an FBI badge. See also: Lolicon, Shotacon, Oops I Did It Again, Mama Bear, Digging Yourself Deeper, Paedo Hunt, That Came Out Wrong. Examples of Mistaken for Pedophile include: