| - Blob monsters. Amorphous, often implacable due to their unique (lack of) anatomy, these creatures range from mindless eating machines to tricksy shapeshifters. Usually Nigh Invulnerable, and sometimes capable of Voluntary Shapeshifting. Often based on jellyfish, amoebas and similar invertebrates, this creature can be found throughout horror, fantasy and speculative fiction environments. Often acidic, it is usually defeated by being frozen, or by heroes who take advantage of its chemical composition with a stream of Techno Babble. If it has anything resembling a mouth, Phlegmings are assured.
| - Blob monsters. Amorphous, often implacable due to their unique (lack of) anatomy, these creatures range from mindless eating machines to tricksy shapeshifters. Usually Nigh Invulnerable, and sometimes capable of Voluntary Shapeshifting. Often based on jellyfish, amoebas and similar invertebrates, this creature can be found throughout horror, fantasy and speculative fiction environments. Often acidic, it is usually defeated by being frozen, or by heroes who take advantage of its chemical composition with a stream of Techno Babble. If it has anything resembling a mouth, Phlegmings are assured. A recent sub-variant has become popular on the various internet art sites -- that of the "Goo Girl" (Deviant ART or Danbooru) or "Slime Maiden" (Pixiv) -- which is effectively the Blob Monster given the Cute Monster Girl treatment. Jamanen and Melona being the poster girls of this variant. In video games, these will sometimes be The Goomba, although sometimes some palette-swapped varieties are harder. They're also generally are resistant to drowning, especially if it's the player-controlled character. Sometimes, they can split into smaller ones when killed. Makes a good Monster of the Week. See also Mega Microbes. Compare Muck Monster and Grey Goo. Related to the Rubber Man and Talking Poo. Examples of Blob Monster include: