| - Under an alliance with the Viper, Coachwhip invaded the Serpent Society with several colleagues in a plot to overthrow its leader Sidewinder and have Viper assume leadership. However, interference from Captain America foiled Viper's plans, and she abandoned Coachwhip and her other agents. Coachwhip then joined the Society under King Cobra's leadership. Though very little is known about Coachwhip's history, she is a very ruthless woman and very skilled with the electrically-charged chain-linked whips that she has connected to her gauntlets. During Diamondback's trial, Coachwhip was the prosecutor, and was able to convince the other members that she was guilty of treason and deserved the punishment of death. She had also become romantically involved with King Cobra. When Captain America came to Diamondback's rescue, Coachwhip fought against Diamondback and Black Mamba, two women Coachwhip had developed a strong dislike for. Despite entrapping both women with her whips, Coachwhip was defeated, when Diamondback used her skill with thrown objects to throw a hypodermic needle at Coachwhip's head, stunning her. Coachwhip briefly took time out of the Serpent Society to join villains Killer Shrike and the Ringer as they battled the Moon Knight. She has since returned to the Society, and participated in their most recent mission to exact their revenge on Diamondback for her betrayal.