| - Just Cause is a 2006 open world action-adventure video game created by Avalanche Software. It centers around the exploits of Rico Rodriguez, an operative working for the Agency (which is totally not the CIA), as he helps local guerrillas overthrow the tyrannical regime governing the (fictional) Caribbean nation of San Esperito. The player can drive nearly every vehicle under the sun, as well as climb about on them while moving at high speeds and jumping onto other nearby cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters, etc. Notable for the inclusion of a grappling hook, which allows Rico to rappel onto moving vehicles from a distance, and a parachute, which allows for all manner of aerial stunts.
| - Just Cause is a 2006 open world action-adventure video game created by Avalanche Software. It centers around the exploits of Rico Rodriguez, an operative working for the Agency (which is totally not the CIA), as he helps local guerrillas overthrow the tyrannical regime governing the (fictional) Caribbean nation of San Esperito. The player can drive nearly every vehicle under the sun, as well as climb about on them while moving at high speeds and jumping onto other nearby cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters, etc. Notable for the inclusion of a grappling hook, which allows Rico to rappel onto moving vehicles from a distance, and a parachute, which allows for all manner of aerial stunts. In the sequel, Rico is a few years older and has been assigned to track down his mentor and superior from the first game, who has disappeared on the (also fictional) Southeast Asian island of Panau, which has recently been taken over by a ruthless dictator. Various improvements have been made to the gameplay, allowing for even more over-the-top shenanigans. Rico can now use his grapple to attach to any object, pull enemies off their feet, tether them to various objects, and essentially use it for all manner of physics-based stunts and proving that it's a bad day to be a henchman. Rumor has it that a movie adaptation, entitled Just Cause: Scorpion Rising and a third game is in production.