| - "Simon, would holding on to Derryk put us in a dangerous position?"
- "With nothing to know, we do nothing. Keep the boy fed and happy until I say otherwise."
- "We will inform the new Hand of Derryk once King Robert has chosen a replacement."
- "Once there is a new K-King's Hand, we contact him discretely and inform him of Derryk. It is the Hand's business, regardless of who holds the t-title."
- "My lady, we still have Derryk, King Robert's bastard, per Jon Arryn's request. Now that Jon is dead, what should we do with Derryk?"
- "Alvyn, what do you think we should do with Derryk?"
- "Sending him is premature, but a raven to House Martell will inform them of his presence."
- "Of course not, but we shouldn't hold on to the boy. House Martell can find great use in a Baratheon bastard. Send Derryk to Sunspear and rest easy."