| - Goliaths Goliaths are not numerous, but they boast a long history and have great pride in their strength and honor. Background and History The race of goliaths originated in Xen'drik but left that continent in large numbers with the rise of giants. Those that remained were enslaved like the elves, but they proved to be poor slaves- they weakened in captivity, failed to reproduce, and died quickly. As a result, few goliaths remain in Xen'drik. Goliath Lands Dragonmarked Houses (Source: Dungeons and Dragons 4e Eberron Player's Guide, chapter 2, page 37, heading "Goliaths")
| - Goliaths Goliaths are not numerous, but they boast a long history and have great pride in their strength and honor. Background and History The race of goliaths originated in Xen'drik but left that continent in large numbers with the rise of giants. Those that remained were enslaved like the elves, but they proved to be poor slaves- they weakened in captivity, failed to reproduce, and died quickly. As a result, few goliaths remain in Xen'drik. Although they are far-flung, goliaths have never had sufficient population or drive to establish nations or empires. They exist today as they have for centuries, maintaining their traditional ways of life in high mountain ranges on the fringes of civilization. In keeping with their scattered communities, goliaths have diverse religious traditions. Some tribes rever Balinor, the god of the hunt, although they often call him Banor the Bowhunter. In the mountains of the Eldeen Reaches, many goliaths follow the primal traditions of drudic sects, particularly the Wardens of the Wood and the Ashbound. A few tribes preserve serpent cult traditions derived from the reverence for the couatls that imprisoned demons; the beliefs of these goliaths are thus related to the faith of the Silver Flame. Goliath Lands Most goliaths in Khorvaire live in scattered tribes in the Shadwocrags and the Icehorn Mountains, where they have infrequent contact with the people of the forested lowlands. Some goliaths also dwell in the peaks of the Ironroot and Hoarfrost mountains of the Mror Holds, where they sometimes interact with dwarves. Goliath tribes are also found in Syrkan, the Tashana Tundra, on the continent of Sarlona, and the mountains of the Frostfell. Dragonmarked Houses Goliaths have no house of their own, and although it's possible that a goliath might develop a dragonmark, there are no records of such an occurrence. (Source: Dungeons and Dragons 4e Eberron Player's Guide, chapter 2, page 37, heading "Goliaths")