| - |-| 2= "Kabuto Power, TheBee Power, Drake Power, Sasword Power! All Zecter Combine: Maximum Hyper Cyclone!" ―Finisher announcement for Gun Mode The Combining Final Sword Perfect Zecter (合体最終剣パーフェクトゼクター Gattai Saishū Ken Pāfekuto Zekutā) is Hyper Kabuto's signature weapon. This sword-like Zecter has two modes: Sword Mode (ソードモード Sōdo Mōdo) and Gun Mode (ガンモード Gan Mōdo). The Drake, TheBee and Sasword Zecters can be summoned and attached onto the weapon, either individually or all at once. Also, depending on the Zecter that is currently attached, the Perfect Zecter is capable of utilizing a hyper version of the Zecter's finishing attack in either Gun or Sword Mode. Once a Zecter color is selected at the cross guard, the trigger is pulled to initiate the attack. By attaching all three Zecters, the All Zecter Combine (オールゼクターコンバイン Ōru Zekutā Konbain) command is activated, allowing for a Maximum Hyper (マキシマムハイパー Makishimamu Haipā) finisher. When Zecters attach onto the Perfect Zecter, they switch into Perfect Mode (パーフェクトモード Pāfekuto Mōdo) which is denoted by the color change and position change. The Perfect Zecter is destroyed by the Gryllus Worm in the final episode, although it does return in Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3Image:Icon-crosswiki.png where Kabuto uses it in Rider Form rather than in Hyper Form.