Dragon Ball ST: Origins of Serroli is the only Dragon Ball ST special. Set thousands of years before the Dragon Ball meta-series, it deals with Dark Kai's creation of the Universe, fall into darkness, creation of Serroli, and his entrapment by the Namekians, alongside Serroli. This article may contain potential anti-religion references. This is not an intentional or serious message, and is only used for the storyline's sake. If you take offense to this, please do not read this article.
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| - Dragon Ball ST: Origins of Serroli
| - Dragon Ball ST: Origins of Serroli is the only Dragon Ball ST special. Set thousands of years before the Dragon Ball meta-series, it deals with Dark Kai's creation of the Universe, fall into darkness, creation of Serroli, and his entrapment by the Namekians, alongside Serroli. This article may contain potential anti-religion references. This is not an intentional or serious message, and is only used for the storyline's sake. If you take offense to this, please do not read this article.
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| - Dragon Ball ST: Origins of Serroli is the only Dragon Ball ST special. Set thousands of years before the Dragon Ball meta-series, it deals with Dark Kai's creation of the Universe, fall into darkness, creation of Serroli, and his entrapment by the Namekians, alongside Serroli. This article may contain potential anti-religion references. This is not an intentional or serious message, and is only used for the storyline's sake. If you take offense to this, please do not read this article.