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- "The power of an agile mind~TennisGreen!" New (นิว) is the Green Ranger of Sport Rangers. Powered by heart. Corresponds to enthusiasm, cheerfulness. Former tennis player who is playful and flirtatious. He seems to have some knowledge of English. In Episode 16, New, along with Ace and Up, sacrificed themselves to destroy the evil's palace. New is replaced as TennisGreen by Tech in Season 2.
- New is a song By No Doubt {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- mr caps
- some stuff
- The new keyword is used to instantiate (create) a new copy of a conobject. A conobject is:
* an engine class available in the console (Item(), Player(), etc.) or
* a datablock (derived or otherwise). //New non-datablock (using) object %obj = new ScriptObject(); //New datablock (using) object datablock ItemData( GoldCoin ) { ... }; %coin = new Item{ myGoldCoin } { // ... datablock = GoldCoin; };
- "New" is a song by the rock band No Doubt, written by Tom Dumont and Gwen Stefani for the Go soundtrack (1999). It was later included on No Doubt's fourth studio album Return of Saturn (2000). The song is heavily influenced by New Wave music. In it, guitar pedals and effects are used to distort the sound of Adrian Young's drums. The song is available as a downloadable track for the music video game series Rock Band.
- Nombre: ชลัธจักร ตรีนงลักษณ์ Sobrenombre: New Fecha de nacimiento: 24 de diciembre del 1994 Lugar: Tailandia Agencia: Kamikaze
- Hi I'm Silvercreeks (talk) 01:03, May 10, 2013 (UTC), and I want to make my first fanfic! Please comment and tell me if I should write more or bury my head in the sand along with my fanfics. <---- joke I don't like prologues too much. So, I am just going to start with Chapter One. Chapter One A lithe, light amber she-cat smiled. "Aww, thank you Littlewind. I really enjoy your company." The other light grey tom blushed under his thick layer of fur. "Thanks, Sunshine. My sisters tell me I'm not to good to be around." "Littlewind!" A black she-cat called from outside the nursery.