It worked! It took a while for the sea serpents to arrive but they could not resist the lure of my spell. Now we will see how brave those sailors of Carlin are. Even if they try to break through the sea serpents, they will lose a ship now and then, which will make it impossible to continue their presence here for a longer period. The climate does not suit those serpents too well, so they are not in a very good mood, I'd suppose. Carlin's presence in this area should be history soon.
Today my apprentice surprised me when she and her followers took over the mines. The remaining Carlin miners fled to the city they have built with those barbarians. Though the mines are ours now, I can only hope the people in Svargrond will not try to retake the mines without backup from Carlin. A war is the last thing I could use for my researches.
Finally the ritual is complete. It will take all my skills and strength and even the power of several frostshards but I am positive it will work. Then I will be finally able to return to my actual researches.
The researcher performs a ritual which lures Sea Serpents to the seas around Hrodmir in order to get rid of all Carlin interference. Yakchal takes over the Formorgar Mines.