| - Full name: Elian Faulkner Summerby Nicknames: Yes, you may call him Eli. It depends on whether he likes you or not how much he'll protest. And apparently Vicky shall call him Rigor (from Rigor Mortis). Age: 24 Date of birth: 17th October, 1980 Blood: Half-blood Wand: Ten inches, rowan wood, swishy, Chimaera scale Alumni: Hufflepuff Affiliation: Really, it's to himself. Like many others, growing up, he was told that the Aurors were the be all and end all, the coolest profession anyone could ever hope to get into and, because of this, after Hogwarts he started--and finished—Auror training. It took him two months on the job to discover he didn't like it. Within four months Elian had left the job. He underwent Healer training straight afterwards and now he works as a coroner for the MLE. During his training, he worked as an accountant for the Ministry so, it's fair to say, that since finishing his education his affiliation seems to have been firmly fixed within the Ministry.