| - The episode starts on Earth and more specifically, in Russia, as in the sky, Kato is flying the shuttle towards Dr. Gehabich’s house while maneuvering through the Bakugan flying there, saying I do wish air traffic would improve here. He does however, make it as the Brawlers and Dr. Gehabich are all waiting outside on his porch as the ship lands and he comes out. Kato says Master Marucho, I have brought the shuttle as requested as Marucho says great job Kato – get ready to start it up again as Dan says we have to get everybody together immediately. Kato says shall I put the call out sir as Marucho says go ahead as Kato presses a button on his watch and it makes everybody’s devices beep a certain pattern as Kato says you were included in the list but as soon as the others get the message, they will head to the coordinates on their devices. Shun says Dr. Gehabich, you should come with us as well – for safety sakes as Dr. Gehabich says I agree – let me grab a few things. In a few minutes, he comes out with a bag and says okay, I have everything of importance let’s go as everybody gets inside and the ship takes off and back to Wardington in order to play their next move as Calthor watches from Drago's eyes. The scene now shifts back to Fujoe, Zakaros and Blakai as they are walking down the shadowed corridor from before. Zakaros asks where are we going as Fujoe says you’ll find out as soon as we arrive as he uses his tail to lighten the torches on the walls of the corridor. Along the way, Gell says Master, Gell smell familiar smell – makes Gell angry as Zakaros says what do you mean Kachia Gell as Gell says Gell smells betrayer nearby. Zakaros says in a stern tone Fujoe – I ask again; where are you taking us because I trust Gell explicitly. Fujoe stops for a moment as he says Zakaros, while I can assure you I’m not leading you into a trap or leading you to your doom – I can’t guarantee with whom you might meet while there. Blakai says sounds like we’re going to be seeing more than one person as the Master Amulet starts to glow a bit. Fujoe says in more ways that one but please, let us move on as they continue walking and start getting closer to the end of the tunnel. Ganoreda then opens on Blakai’s shoulder and says if we are going where I think we are going – this will be a great honor for you, young Master as Gezard opens on the other shoulder and says indeed; my old Master and the former Guardian used to tell me stories about it but I never thought I would actually get to see it. Blakai says really, it must be a neat place as Bone Skuls opens up and says I've never of it either so I'm excited too. Soon, they walk into a door where it is ornate and decorative as Zakaros says that door looks as old as the Gate of Restorum; what’s behind there as Fujoe says something that only I know of as he uses his tail to take a pitcher nearby and fills it with water from his mouth as he then goes to pour it up at the top of the door. As he pours the water, it goes into cracks and crevices in the door as they fill but for some reason, they don’t spill out as if it is gathering inside the wood. Soon, the door is a mix of brown and blue as then, the water starts to glow and the door opens as Fujoe says Zakaros, welcome to the Essence Lake as they enter inside and it shows it shows a crystal clear lake with only a center pedestal and high backed stone chair in the middle of the lake but beautiful shrubbery and life to it. Zakaros and Blakai look down and they both see glowing images swimming in the water, some differently colored than others but don't have a definitive shape. Blakai asks what are the shiny things in the water as Fujoe says these are the essences of those who are deemed worthy to come to this place. Zakaros says so, they are spirits or souls rather correct as Fujoe says not exactly - they are the life force that once guided a physical body and when they came here, they became an essence of an element or an attribute of themselves. He explains that while this is a physical representation of the galaxy’s core – it is not exactly the same however; one has to connect with that pedestal and chair in the center of the water and can therefore be teleported yet again into the actual core and be able to communicate with those who are already inside. Zakaros says well, answer me this – why are some of these beings red or green or blue in the oasis. Fujoe says those specific essences represent a Bakugan and a prominent one – this place is not limited to just BakuGods mind you – Bakugan are allowed in this place as well as other beings; some sentient and some non-sentient. Zakaros says how do I make this connection as Fujoe points to the Amulet and says that will be a conduit but be careful, because you are not a true MasterGod – you might put too much strain on the Amulet and it might crack and repairing it will take much more time than is needed right now. Zakaros says what will I expect in this other world as Fujoe says even I have never been there but good luck as he puts the Master's Amulet on Zakaros' neck, transforming back into his new evolved form. Fujoe says like I said, I don't believe that the Amulet will cause you anymore unnecessary pain. Zakaros looks at it in his hand, takes a deep breath and says okay, let's do this as he walks to the water. Fujoe says be careful to not disturb the water - it is very peaceful and even a slight ripple can cause disruption. Zakaros says okay and makes a long jump across the lake but landing gracefully on the other side. Fujoe says young one as Blakai turns and yes um, sir. Fujoe says my Mistress also wanted to speak with you so you should go as well but I'll help as he picks Blakai up with his tail and drops him across. Zakaros says geez, why couldn't you do that with me as Fujoe says um....no reason, carry on as Fujoe goes to another part of the lake to rest. Zakaros and Blakai then walk up to the chair and pedestal and examine it a bit before Zakaros sits down calmly. Blakai jumps up next to him and says hey, this chair is big enough for both of us as Zakaros smiles and says yeah, that certainly helps. Zakaros then says okay, let's concentrate as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, so does Blakai, and soon, they start to glow. The Master's Amulet rises up from Zakaros' neck and a beam of light hits the pedestal, releasing a wave of light that covers the entire lake area. Zakaros' and Blakai's essence is then taken from themselves and sent into the beam of light and they in turn become one of the essences' in the lake. Just then, Zakaros and Blakai open their eyes and finds himself in a completely different world. It is a world of vibrant colors and images as Zakaros looks around in amazement and wonders where he is as Blakai says hey look, we're floating. Zakaros says yeah, not what I expected as Gell comes out and says Master, Gell smells the betrayer here as Zakaros says okay and yells out I'm here - show yourself and tell us where we are. Just then, a familiar female voice says you are in the Essence Lake but in a different way as then, lights swirl around and in a few moments, a very big and beautiful female BakuGod with white hair appears as then, other multiple lights come everywhere and it shows other BakuGods, suspected to be MasterGods of the past of different genders and appearances. Zakaros focuses on the white haired female BakuGod who says I am Lacetornia and I summoned you here, shocking both Zakaros & Blakai. The scene now shifts back to Earth where Dan and the others have already arrived back at Marucho’s house as Bakugan are walking and flying all over the planet and causing quite a stir amongst the people. As they look out the window, Lindsata says it almost looks right that Bakugan and the human population are together but I only wish it was more peaceful and under better circumstances. Baraxx then says I understand but these things happen; we can only hope that once Calthor is defeated - we can enjoy things like this. Lindsata then turns and says speaking of which; when this is over - what will you do as Baraxx is silent for a moment. Baraxx says I probably will just go back to my home in the Arctic or what's left of it - I can rebuild. He continues by saying I kind of miss the quiet and still, even though I've been forgiven and exonerated - I still feel guilt. Lindsata says don't worry - when Zakaros gets back, he can restore your original appearance, powers and Bakugan again but Baraxx says the truth is but just then, a loudspeaker is heard with Kato’s voice as Kato says Master Marucho, the rest of our guests have arrived as Marucho says great Kato, send them inside – we have some refreshments prepared. Baraxx says I'll tell you another time as he leaves with Firebaxx with Lindsata looking confused but Shoult comes out and says Mistress, I have a feeling that he might not want his powers back. Lindsata says I get that feeling too but anyway, let's join in as she transforms into a beautiful, blonde human girl and with new clothes that Runo and Julie picked out for her at an earlier time. She then arrives in the room as Runo says wow, Lindsata - you look great in that as Lindsata says thanks, although, I'm not used to these types of clothes. Dan says I think you look pretty as Runo says Dan, remember what happened last time as Dan says come on Runo, it was just a compliment and whispers, I know she and Zakaros are an item. Just then, a knock on the door is heard as Marucho says great, open the doors as they open and then everybody that the Brawlers have fought and befriended over the course of the entire series have arrived and are seen, from the JJ Dolls to Anubias’s old team as everybody digs in to the food and they start talking and catching up. Ben says great party as he grabs a chicken leg and takes a big bite out as Soon says not very proper is he as Noah says hey, you live with it as he says hey Dan. Dan says hey Noah – how are things with you as Noah says doing good – even though I haven’t been brawling lately but I'll get back into it. Just then, a hand rubs Dan's head and says what's up, my man - revealing Julio Santana who actually has some hair now. Dan says hey there um.......who are you as Julio gets a shocked face as Komba says don't worry - buddy; took them a bit to recognize me too. Julio says um, who are you as Komba gets a sad face as Harpus says I told you you should have continued sending Christmas cards. Julio says oh hey Harpus and, oh wait - Komba, man did you get taller. Komba says great, everybody remembers Harpus but not me as Harpus says what can I say - it's the womanly charm in me as Tentaclear appears and just shakes his eye in sarcasm. Dan then walks over to Marucho's desk as Marucho says attention, can I have everybody's attention please as everybody looks over at the Brawlers as Joe arrives quickly out of breath and says hey, sorry I'm late. Nobody really notices but Chan Lee says hey Joe - don't worry about it; it just started but I saved you a spot as she blushes a bit as Joe does a bit too but says thanks Chan and they stand together. Dan says I know we called everybody here suddenly but we have a big situation that could mean the end of the Earth. Some people gasp as Jake says what are you talking about Dan - we've beaten back everybody who's tried to take over Earth - we can do it again. Shun says but not like this as they bring up on a screen an image of Calthor that was taken by the Interceptor. Jack says who's that creepy dude as Gunz says what is that creepy dude is more like it as Marucho says his name is Calthor and he's dangerous. Dan says we've been fighting against him and been failing - he's destroyed four planents that friends of ours have lived on for years; including New Vestroia. Drago says it's true - he destroyed it recently and he's coming here. Everybody starts talking to themselves in whispers and mumbles as Robin says come on; you must be joking - this guy or whatever he is can destroy planets as then, a voice says believe it. Everybody turns around as Ren's team, the Neathians and the Vestals that survived are at the door entrance and they are all in their natural forms. Jewls says oh no - alien invasion as Jenny says don't worry - we'll just call for the car and get out of here quickly. Ren says don't worry - we are not enemies but we have seen what Calthor can do as they walk towards the Brawlers in the back of the room. Everybody turns around as Ren says I understand some of you might not know who we are looking like this but, maybe this will help as he transforms into his human form, as do the rest of Ren's team. Taylor says hey, I remember you guys - she says in a shocked voice you're aliens as Mason says yeah and proud of it as Jesse says we are Gundalians. Fabia then says that isn't all as she transforms into her human form as Koji says whoa, you're that girl I met a while back - cool with Fabia giving a small smile. John then steps forward and says I'm also a Gundalian and Laura here is a Neathia, which is what Fabia is. Spectra then steps forward and says I'm from a planet named Vestal as is my sister Mira and my other friends here - the only difference is our eyes as he takes his mask off and everybody notices his eyes are different. Mira then brings up a screen that shows the planets each being destroyed by Calthor's Ragnarok Dextra. Everybody is shocked as Christopher says I never expected one person to do that as Gunz says yeah, he's worse than Wiseman and Mechtavius Destroyer times 100. Dan says I know this looks bad but we need to join together in trying to stop him and we need all your help to do so. The entire group starts to talk to each other but it's clear that not everybody is on board with it. Just then, Baraxx stands up and says listen to me, all of you in a stern tone - which gets everybody paying attention. He says understand that I know all of you have doubts about this - even I have doubts but let me say this; if you don't defend your home - who will? Everybody starts talking as Ben then steps up and says so, we get to beat this guy up bad right as Mason says if Sid were here - he would probably say not as bad as me right as Zenet says yeah probably. Ben says when do we start as everybody cheers as inside Drago, Calthor observes and says to himself try all you might, you won't win. The scene now shifts back to the other world that Zakaros and Blakai are inside of as several MasterGods of the past and Lacetornia surround him and look down. Lacetornia says I’m the one who asked you here and it’s about time that we met since you are the one I prophesied would end the MasterGods for good. Blakai says wow, so you're the first MasterGod - this is a real honor, right Zakaros but then, he sees Zakaros starting to tear up and has his fist clenched in anger. Blakai has a worried expression and asks Zakaros what's wrong but then, Zakaros gets loud and points at Lacetornia, saying you, you did this to me. He continues by saying you took me away from my real home and my real family - I was just a boy when your people turned me into this. He says you have no deal on how much ridicule and shame I had to deal with from your people as some of the MasterGods look saddened while some are unmoved. He continues by saying sure, I had my Bakugan and some friends but that was merely a speck of light over what I had to go through in a dark time and now, you all expect me to save the world from something that you inadvertly created – why should I? Just then, a voice says you are the only one who can correct my mistake as Zakaros looks around and asks who’s there. Just then, another series of lights swirl around but there’s a lone dark light as well and in a few moments, a BakuGod that looks a lot like Zakaros’ age and having both his arms missing is shown next to Lacetornia. Zakaros says who are you as the BakuGod says I’m the one who brought Calthor into being – I’m Scimizak. Zakaros is a bit shocked but points at him and says you caused all this – not only your War but also what’s happening now – the innocent people in Avagan didn’t have to suffer or be killed because of your so called ambitions. Scimizak doesn’t say anything as then, Kachia Gell comes out and says loudly Gell angry – Gell smash you as he charges in ball form but he just flies right through as the BakuGod, officially known as Scimizak, says I’m merely the essence of what I used to be Kachia Gell but if I was real, I would take your anger without resistance – I deserve every bit of it and more. Zakaros says what is the matter, Gell as Gell says Scimizak Gell’s old master – Gell betrayed by old master – GELL SMASH OLD MASTER! as Zakaros says well, so you’re the one who tried to get rid of Gell; can’t say he isn’t happy and that makes two of us very mad. Scimizak says trust me; it was probably for the best because if it weren’t for his rampage – I may not have seen the error of my ways nor would I have paid the consequences as Gell is the one who destroyed my arms. His response takes Zakaros by surprise as Scimizak continues by saying and you are right Zakaros – on two accounts. He continues by saying one, it was not your choice to be made a BakuGod and for that, I can't speak for the others but I truly apologize for putting that burden upon you and two, you are right – I did bring this upon the innocent mortals of the universe. He continues again and says at the time of the War, I was young, stupid, brash and yes, ambitious but for all the wrong reasons – I made many mistakes but nothing greater than the prophecy I made of Calthor’s emergence and if I could stop him myself - I would do so and lift the burden that has been placed upon you. Zakaros says why should I believe you as another voice says because now is the time to take action as then, six more lights appear – revealing the six Legendary Soldiers. Zakaros says wait a minute – I remember something Dan told me about you as Apollonir speaks and says yes, the Brawlers and ourselves have a history together in both good and bad times as Clayf says but mostly, it was very good times. Zakaros says but how can you be here as another voice because we were granted the privilege of doing so as then, Nova Lion appears as well and says Bakugan are allowed to come to this place as well if they have earned the right to. Zakaros says I’m honored to meet you all – it was just not what I expected as then, an all too familiar voice says then perhaps, it’s okay if we come out as another says don’t reveal it Stronk – you’ll spoil the moment as then, all the Nonet Bakugan appear as well. Zakaros immediately goes on the defensive and says I know you all too well as Betadron holds up a hand and says wait; we are not here to cause trouble and in fact, thanks to our memories being restored, we thank you for imprisoning us. Zakaros lowers himself and says what do you mean glad about it as Worton says we were once soldiers of Fury, not by choice but by his powers as Balista says we may look bad in appearance but we’re really nice guys. Mutabrid says we followed him blindly as Kodokor says and then, you know the rest as when we escaped to cause havoc with him on Vestroia – you imprisoned us and we forgot about our true origins. Spatterix says afterwards, we came here and with our memories restored, we helped Daedathron and his forces until we eventually were brought here and even though we prepare to fight – we can still help from here. Zakaros says what do you mean as Lacetornia says the galaxy’s core isn’t entirely defenseless – we can fight from here against Calthor until it is time for you to return, which will have to be soon. Another MasterGod says however, there is one thing you must do as another MasterGod says you must stop the War between the DarkGods and HighGods. Blakai says but how do we do that as Frosch says you have to make them see as Oberus says you already have two allies on your side – you can use them to your advantage to turn the tide. Another female MasterGod says but the pressing matter is the War – if you stop the War, you will weaken Calthor’s superior power. Another MasterGod says it may not weaken Calthor indefinitely, but you need all the advantages you can get. Zakaros looks down and says I'll ask again - why should I do something that was thrust upon me when it's your responsiblity. Lacetornia says Zakaros, look at me as he does and she says I made my prophecy after a vision I myself had foresaw you. I am also a half breed like you which the other MasterGods here still do not fully accept but I don't care; I was also thrust into a situation that I didn't want to be but when the time came, I knew my destiny was bigger than I thought. She continues by saying but I know you didnt make the choice and I offer you this; when you destroy Calthor and save the universe - we can restore you back to a full human again if you want. Zakaros is shocked and says you would really do that as another female MasterGod says some of us may not agree with it but we understand your feelings and even if you want to become human again and remain here with your family, we will honor the request. Blakai, while listening, is sad cause he is attached to Zakaros as he is and what he might become if he accepts as Zakaros says I will hold you to that offer if I accept as Scimizak says thank you for understanding but now, we need to tell Blakai something. Blakai says yes sirs and ma'ams as Lacetornia says young BakuGod - we know that you grew up without people care or train for you but I sent a vision to Tsurambo to hide you from your father because you have such high potential and in the future, that potential will be utilized even after you father's defeat. Blakai says if you are questioning my loyalty - I'm not loyal to him at all; I don't even consider him my father anymore as another MasterGod says we understand that but in order to fight against your father - you need more Bakugan at your disposal. The MasterGods hold out their hands and they glow and create a Ventus Bakugan for him as Lacetornia says here is your Ventus Bakugan but he will be named when you can finally release him and Fujoe has a Haos and Aquos Bakugan for you when it comes time as Blakai says wow, thank you Masters. Lacetornia says Zakaros, I'm ordering that Fujoe ends your training now - you are needed in Avagan for various reasons now, the War primarily but in place of training; we will pass all our knowledge and powers to you to use in the coming conflict as they hold their hands out and the Master's Amulet glows and ends after a few minutes. Lacetornia says it is done - good luck, MasterGod Zakaros as Zakaros says thank you as he and Blakai leave this world and head back to theirs. The scene now shifts back to Avagan where it specifically shifts to the command center where Daedathron is standing with Anubias and Sellon in their real forms as some BakuGod healers stand ready. Daedathron says these healers are experts in body shifting and changing - they have studied the Gundalians and Neathians well over the years and they believe are able to change you for real. Anubias and Sellon look down and are feeling a bit nervous but Sid slaps Anubias on the back and says don't worry - you'll look good like me as he smiles big. Torin says I'm not worried at all - you'll definitely have that weight lifted off your shoulders as Sellon says I hope so. Daedathron says okay, begin as Lync says yeah, let's finish this up so we can get back to fun stuff. The healers then start their work, which causes some discomfort with Anubias and Sellon but soon, they are transformed into a full Gundalian and a full Neathian without Mag Mel's looks and additions. Anubias and Sellon look at each other and are amazed at what they look like now. Torin says now, you look like one of us as Sellon is so happy and says thank you so much Daedathron as Anubias says yeah, it feels good to be somebody rather than just a copy as Sid says now that you're officially a Gundalian now, let's go have some fun as they both go to the Gundalian area and Torin and Sellon go to the Neathian area as well. As they go away, Volt says I'm glad they got so invested in those two but they do realize there still is a war going on right as Hydron says don't worry - they know but it's nice to see them not fighting for once as Thorius says I think it's sweet of them. But then, Marnitac says sir, I've reported several humans approaching the camp but they aren't armed and appear to be transporting wounded. Daedathron says I wonder what is going on as then, Zarodius says sir, I'm picking up two Mechtogan signals nearby and one if multi-attributed. Daedathron asks what about the masked one as Zarodius says nothing yet sir but if he is on his way back with Tornador and Trianic, he's out of range. Just then, Sky Sprint appears and says Mister Daedathron, those two Mechtogan are my parents; please allow them here as Daedathron says by all means they are welcome as then, they land right next to the Command Center hard. They look around as MechtoTron says so, this is Avagan - quite the city as Grace Swift yes, with many people and enemies as she looks around. Zenthon and Zenthon Titan show up as Sky Sprint says mother, father - good to see you as Grace Swift tell us; are you being treated well as Sky Sprint says very much - Daedathron has put me in charge of the forward recon and defense team as MechtoTron asks who is Daedathron as Daedathron flies up and says great MechtoTron, I am he - let me welcome you to Avagan; alhough I wish it was under better circumstances. MechtoTron says there is no need for formalities - you are a friend like Zakaros is which by the way, where is he as Daedathron says I'm afraid he is not here as then,a voice says worriedly, is he okay. Everybody looks down as they see Zakaros' tribe with Juni the one saying it while holding Boulder up. Thorius rises up from his seat with a worried look and says I know them - it's Zakaros family; we need to help them now as he says healers, come quickly and treat the wounded and bring food as a bunch of BakuGods come out with medical supplies and food, which shocks Grace Swift as she sees that these destroyers aren't like the others they have had to fight against. Hydron says hey, we can help as Volt and Lync take Boulder off of Juni's back and bring him to a bed to recover as Thorius comes along as well. Hydron asks what happened - you look like you got beaten up pretty badly as Trita then appears and says we were attacked by that group again with the lizard men. Zarodius happened to overhear and comes over and asks tell me, did this lizard man have a purple and black dragon with him as Trita gets scared and says a lizard man, don't harm by chief as Boulder then weakly says don't worry - if he is a friend of my son, he is a friend of mine as Boulder tells Zarodius we were preparing to come visit my son Zakaros but our village was attacked by a group that had been beaten back previously; this is all that is left and yes, we were attacking by such a beast. Thorius says don't worry; we will make sure you are well cared for - Zakaros is training but he will hopefully be back soon as he asks a neaby soldier to let Atrion know they need more supples quickly. Zarodius however, is silent as he goes back to the Command Center as Marnitac notices and follows him inside. He asks what's on your mind, good man as Zarodius says sternly nothing - I'm just furious my son is continuing to cause more pain even in death. Marnitac says I do have a quesiton for you - what is your obessesion with the Bakugan your son posseses as Zarodius says because Dharak used to be my Bakugan and the way that dragon uses my son is the same way he used me and it's why I refuse to have another Bakugan again. Marnitac says I see as Zarodius says I have a lock on Masquerade - he will be here with the next few hours as Marnitac says very well - we will handle the situation here as he leaves and Zarodius pulls out a picture of himself and Barodius as a child when things appeared to be much happier. Back at the healing area, Boulder has been fully healed and says I feel young again - thank you, kind healers as Atrion arrives and says guess I didn't need to bring these after all as Juni says you don't know my husband - he loves to eat as he takes everything and starts eating. As he eats, Atrion says wonder if we are going to run out of room as Thorius says don't know but don't you love family reunions as Daedathron says we have plenty of room and MechtoTron, you are welcome to stay as long as you would like as he says thank you - we will not be in the way but we also came with a warning; the War is escalating more and soon, the fight will be here soon as Daedathron says meaning if Zakaros doesn't come back soon, we'll lose the War as then, Wistorn appears on a crutch hidden from sight but says don't worry, he's coming back right now. The scene now shifts back to Earth and more specifically, at Marucho’s house as Dan and the rest of the Brawlers are organizing their other allies and preparing to get ready for Earth's defense force. He then calls on his launcher and says Spectra, is the Vestal Interceptor in place as in space and on the Interceptor, Spectra says everything is a go for every scenario, Dan - we are also building some Siphuums as a backup. Dan then clicks another button and says Klaus, is everything a go with the evacuations as Klaus says things are progressing slowly Dan – most of the people think we are making this up since we said it could be end of the world but families are being rounded up and transported to the ship. Dan sighs and says figures but good work on the families; make sure to hurry up cause I have a feeling we’ll be fighting soon but then, Drago in ball form collapses in pain and starts rolling on the ground. Dan picks up gently and says Drago, are you okay pal. Wavern notices, flies over worried as Drago says Dan – something’s wrong with the Perfect Core inside me – I feel something else is inside me. Dan says what is it as then, Calthor’s voice talks instead of Drago’s voice and says because I’m in here, little Dan. (End of episode)