| - There are creatures on Erwt that defy the rules of common sense, and which generally don't follow the ordinary rules of physics. They come from the deep Ocean, where the difference between air and water, light and dark is indistinct. Most of them stay out there; their constitution doesn't stand up to the more rigid fabric of Erwt, and turn back when they encroach on the calmer waters near the coast. Some others are more resilient. The smallest of these are monsters and beasts.
- appearance Latest appearance General information Nicknames Family members Alignment Status Physical information Species Gender Eye color Hair color Additional information Portrayed by The Beasts are creatures that appear in the forty-third Goosebumps book, The Beast from the East.
- Beasts (珍獣 Yajuu?) are the low level creatures of Fuuma creatures present in the throne room who sometimes aid in Fuma missions that require them to assume forms. Composed of the child-like flutist Yaada (ヤーダ Yāda?), the grey trunked Nossori (ノッソリ Nossori?), insectoid Singing Shingin (歌うたいのシンギン Utautai no Shingin?), pot-bellied Hungry Gaaki (腹ペコのガーキ Fukupeko no Gāki?), and stone-like One-Eyed Aiida (一つ目のアイーダ Hitotsumu no Aīda?). The other member of their group, Upper Half Monk (上半身のモンク Kohanmi no Monku?), is fastened to the wall and thus is more of a decoration than an agent of Fuuma. After Kubilai's death, the Beasts faded out of existence along with Poe.
- As of 9 March 2015, the Beasts tab also has a "Learn" tab under each boss shown. This tab shows an overview of their unique abilities/attacks and if possible, how to avoid them. You can click on the eye on the right side of the description to see the boss using the animation for that ability/attack.
- >"Spyro, you're not afraid of those big noisy gigantic awful Beasts, are you?" —Zane Beasts are monsters that are fought in Alpine Ridge. Though they are big, intimidating and look much tougher than the other enemies, they're still easy to handle. They move very slowly, and roar when you're out of reach. Spyro can easily overcome these beasts as they are only vulnerable to flame. Armored Druids sometimes ride on them. It is revealed that Spyro isn't afraid of the Beasts when he was asked by Zane, who Spyro freed on Alpine Ridge.
- Many beasts and barbarians roam these lands. There are many unique enemies to defeat.
- Beasts are one of the four playable races available in Phantasy Star Universe. A genetically engineered race, they exhibit high physical strength and endurance; meaning they are suited for physical labor. Their weaknesses are their low mental abilities and accuracy.
* Home Planet: Moatoob
* NPC Partner: Leo,and Tonnio
* Beasts are able to "Nanoblast" which is when they transform to stronger forms.
* To Nanoblast you need to have: a level 20 Beast, a tattoo at the makeover shop at guardian's colony and, 10,000 meseta.
- Beasts are evil monsters that are minions of Ko. They come in various shapes and sizes. Most beasts are frightening, but some are more comical.
- Beasts (獣族, Jû-zoku, lit. Beast Tribe) is a species in the series. As the name suggests, most of them are regular wild beasts and animal-like demons. A funny thing to mention is: Unlike other species, Beast holds two races with the same alignment.
- Beasts make up the majority of animal life of Edalas, and are organised by environment.
- It begins as a perfect weekend. The couple Dough and Cindy plan a weekend in the mountain, but soon they have an unfriendly encounter with a wounded grizzly and two criminals on the run.
- The Beasts tab contains an overview off all non-quest repeatable bosses in-game, how many you've killed and how fast you killed them. It also contains a detailed overview of how many times you killed the most popular slayer creatures. It caps at 60,000 kills.
- These beasts are grand, fantastic creatures that are unlike any other. Most are known to be no more than animals, despite their size and majesty.
- Beasts cover a broad range of different animals or creatures which can be found spread on various planets. They usually are indicative of creatures with particularly low intelligence. When generating beasts that have randomized characteristics similar to those of Player Characters you may choose to take the average result, rounded down, rather than roll (for example, take 10 on a 2d10 roll or 3 on a 1d5 roll). No stat can ever be below 0.
- Beasts are most animals and four legged creatures. They can be tamed by hunters using Tame Beast The beast creatures in the game are:
* Bears (Bears, Grizzly Bears & Albino Bears)
* Felines (Lions, Sabertooths, Leopards, Panthers, Pumas & Daggerfangs)
* Wolves (Wolves, Dark Wolves, Snow Wolves & Hyenas)