Ser Stevron Frey is an anointed knight of House Frey and the heir of Lord Walder Frey. He is Walder's oldest son, and his mother is Lord Walder's first wife, Perra Royce.
Ser Stevron Frey is an anointed knight of House Frey and the heir of Lord Walder Frey. He is Walder's oldest son, and his mother is Lord Walder's first wife, Perra Royce.
Ser Stevron Frey - rycerz z rodu Frey, pierwszy syn i dziedzic lorda Waldera Freya z Bliźniaków i jego pierwszej żony, lady Perry Royce. Miał trzy żony i czworo dzieci: z Corenną Swann syna Rymana, z Jeyne Lydden syna Aegona zwanego "Dzwoneczkiem" i córkę Maegelle, z Marsellą Waynwood syna Waltona.
Stevron Frey ist ein Nebencharakter in der ersten Staffel. Er wird von dem Gaststar Colin Carnegie gespielt und erscheint nur in "Baelor". Ser Stevron Frey ist der erste Sohn und Erbe von Lord Walder Frey, dem Oberhaupt des Hauses Frey und Lord des Kreuzweges.
Ser Stevron Frey ist ein Ritter aus dem Hause Frey. Er ist Lord Walder Freys erstgeborener Sohn und der Erbe der Zwillinge.
Stevron is present when Catelyn Stark visits Lord Walder Frey to negotiate passage for her son Robb Stark's army across the Trident following the execution of Eddard Stark. He admonishes his father for forgetting his courtesies. Walder reminds Stevron that he is not yet Lord and then reluctantly offers his hand to Catelyn. Walder rudely dismisses Stevron and the rest of his very large family to talk with Catelyn in private.
Il est le fils aîné et héritier de Walder Frey, le Seigneur du Pont.