Australopithecus was a genus of Apes or Ape men and some of that genus gradually evolved into Humans. There was a vast difference between the early australopithecines and later australopithecines. Three Million years ago early australopithecines like Lucy walked upright but their Brains were smaller than human brains and similar to ape brains. Later australopithecines were sometimes more like humans and some could use tools in fairly sophisticated ways. Australopithecus sediba was a bit of an anomaly, it was a late australopithecine and had many human features. Sediba's brain was in some ways organised like a human brain but smaller than Lucy's brain.
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| - Australopithecus
- Australopithecus
- Australopithecus
- Australopithecus
- Australopithecus
- Australopithecus
| - Australopithecus was a genus of Apes or Ape men and some of that genus gradually evolved into Humans. There was a vast difference between the early australopithecines and later australopithecines. Three Million years ago early australopithecines like Lucy walked upright but their Brains were smaller than human brains and similar to ape brains. Later australopithecines were sometimes more like humans and some could use tools in fairly sophisticated ways. Australopithecus sediba was a bit of an anomaly, it was a late australopithecine and had many human features. Sediba's brain was in some ways organised like a human brain but smaller than Lucy's brain.
- Australopithecus was an early hominid species from the Pliocene, which was directly ancestral to humanity.
- Un australopithèque est un hominidé disparu ayant vécu entre environ 4,4 millions et 1 million d'années avant notre ère. Le genre Australopithecus (du latin australis, « du sud », et du grec ancien πίθηκος, píthēkos, « singe ») a été défini par Raymond Dart lors de la découverte d'Australopithecus africanus en 1924. Les australopithèques présentent à la fois des caractères archaïques (cerveau peu volumineux) et des caractères évolués (denture proche de celle du genre Homo). Leur locomotion est généralement mixte et associe une forme de bipédie à une capacité au grimper encore marquée. La lignée humaine est probablement issue d'une forme gracile ancienne d'australopithèque.
- Australopithecus was a prehistoric group of humans, ancestors to modern humans. Australopitheus lived about four million years ago in Africa. According to Doctor Daniel Jackson, The Touched were very similar, having a less pronounced brow ridge than Homo Erectus. (SG1: "The Broca Divide")
- Con il nome Australopiteco ci si riferisce a quelle scimmie, troppo stupide per sopravvivere alla selezione naturale, che hanno popolato la Terra circa un centiliardo di anni fa, e che quei babbei evoluzionisti ritengono imparentate con il genere Homo. Gli australopitechi sono divisi in ulteriori classi, tra cui le principali sono: Australopithecus afarensis e Australopithecus africanus, di cui i primi però sono immaginari.
- es el ancestro mas antiguo de el ser humano se origino en África hace 4 millones de años (plioceno inferior)
- Australopithecus var en förhistorisk grupp av människovarelse förfader till nutida människa. Australopitheus levde för omkring 4 miljoner år sedan av Afrika. Enligt Doktor Daniel Jackson så liknande Berörda med hade en mindre panna ås än Homo Erectus. (SG1: "The Broca Divide") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Utdöda raser
- The gracile australopithecines (members of the genus Australopithecus) (Latin australis "of the south", Greek pithekos "ape") are a group of extinct hominids that are closely related to humans.
- Australopithecus são macacos completos, próximos do chimpanzé. Solly Zuckerman e Charles Oxnard, evolucionistas renomados, mostraram que eles não andavam em pé.
- The genus Australopithecus (Latin australis "southern", Greek πίθηκος pithekos "ape") is a genus of extinct hominids, made up of the gracile australopiths, and formerly also included their larger relatives, the robust australopiths (which are now given their own genus). The genus Australopithecus is closely related to the human genus Homo, and may be ancestral to it.
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Scientific name
| - Australopithecus africanus
| - Australopithecus
- Gracile australopithecines
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| - Australopithecus Africanus
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Image caption
| - Australopithecus africanus
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| - Formerly Australopithecus,
- now Paranthropus
- †A. afarensis
- †A. africanus
- †A. anamensis