| - There was only one thing Reno had never admitted to anyone in his family, and that was that he was Jewish. Once in Germany he was able to make friends with other Jews, and he began to feel more at peace. He confessed to the sins he committed while living with his family, and overtime, he changed his ways, successfully washing out all of the brain wash his father, grandfather and uncles had set into his brain. However, happy times were not meant to be for the mutant. In 1941, only months after his arrival in Germany, the Nazis went into small apartment and dragged him out of it, torching it to the ground as they made their exit. He awoke in what Nazi Germany called, Jewish Ghettos, areas of a city sectioned off for only Jews to live in. They were forced to work, starved and constantly beate
| - There was only one thing Reno had never admitted to anyone in his family, and that was that he was Jewish. Once in Germany he was able to make friends with other Jews, and he began to feel more at peace. He confessed to the sins he committed while living with his family, and overtime, he changed his ways, successfully washing out all of the brain wash his father, grandfather and uncles had set into his brain. However, happy times were not meant to be for the mutant. In 1941, only months after his arrival in Germany, the Nazis went into small apartment and dragged him out of it, torching it to the ground as they made their exit. He awoke in what Nazi Germany called, Jewish Ghettos, areas of a city sectioned off for only Jews to live in. They were forced to work, starved and constantly beaten. Before long the Nazis gathered all of the Jewish people from those Ghettos, and they were all shipped off to concentration camps. Reno, wound up in Auschwitz. Along with the majority of the males, he was forced to work, and they were starved. Anyone who showed weakness or tried to retaliate was taken away and never seen again. Reno tried to escape a few times, trying to teleport his way out, but the electrical fences around the area interfered with his powers, and he could not even teleport from one building to the other, let alone out of the camp. A series of numbers were permanently burned into Reno's left arm, his identification numbers. The Nazis had found burning them into the skin a lot more convenient than sewing it on the uniforms the prisoners were given. Four long years, Reno stayed in Auschwitz, fighting to stay alive even as so many of his friends died around him. Finally, on January 27 1945, the Soviet army located and liberated the Auschwitz camp. Three million had died over the four years, and when the Soviets arrived the Nazis, who had already cleared out of the camp, had removed the majority of the prisoners. Leaving only seven thousand for the Soviets to save. Half-starved, and exhausted beyond the human capability to be exhausted, Reno allowed the doctors to examine him and to treat him for any of the diseases he had contracted while in the concentration camp. He was suppose to be twenty years old by then, but his body had been so malnourished, Reno could barely pass for seventeen. Once his health was back up, and the doctors managed to get him at a healthy weight, the mutant was able to leave. Determined to get as far away from the horrible memories the Nazis had given him, Reno took the first flight to Midgar.