The Lament of the Highborne is a small book that contains the Thalassian song of the same name. The lament was composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower and sung by artist Vangie Gunn. It appears on the Burning Crusade soundtrack. The book serves no gameplay purpose, other than to offer the player a chance to reread the lyrics as many times as they wish. The composers revealed that "the quest design team enhanced a new quest line to incorporate the song as a payoff moment".
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- Lament of the Highborne
- Lament of the Highborne
- Lament of the Highborne
| - Lament Wysoko Urodzonych jest niewielką książką, która zawiera pieśń o tym samym tytule spisaną w języku Thalassian. Lament został skomponowany przez Dereka Duke oraz Russela Browera i śpiewany przez artystkę Vangie Gunn. Pojawia się w soundtracku z Burning Crusade. Lament można usłyszeć w grze, śpiewany przez Lady Sylvanas Windrunner i jej Wysoko Urodzone Płaczki (banshee o przyjemnych głosach) po odnalezieniu jej medaliku (Naszyjniku Pani, daru od jej siostry Allerii) w Iglicy Windrunnerów na Upiornych Ziemiach i zwróceniu go Mrocznej Pani.
- 「高貴なる者」の哀歌 Anar'alah, anar'alah belore, (光よ 太陽の光よ) Sin'dorei, (血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (血の子らよ) Anar'alah, (光よ) Shindu sin'dorei, (衰えし血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (ああ血の子らよ) Anar'alah belore. (太陽の光よ) Shindu sin'dorei, (衰えし血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (ああ血の子らよ) Anar'alah belore, (太陽の光よ) Belore. (太陽よ)
- The Lament of the Highborne is a small book that contains the Thalassian song of the same name. The lament was composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower and sung by artist Vangie Gunn. It appears on the Burning Crusade soundtrack. The book serves no gameplay purpose, other than to offer the player a chance to reread the lyrics as many times as they wish. The composers revealed that "the quest design team enhanced a new quest line to incorporate the song as a payoff moment".
- Lament of the Highborne er en sang diktet av Derek Duke og Russell Brower, sunget av Vangie Gunn, er i Burning Crusade soundtrack, og er navne på en bok i spillet som inneholder teksten, som er skrevet og utført på Thalassiansk. Boken har ingen funksjon, annet enn å gi spillere muligheten til å lese gjennom teksten så mange ganger som han/hun ønsker.
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| - Lament Wysoko Urodzonych jest niewielką książką, która zawiera pieśń o tym samym tytule spisaną w języku Thalassian. Lament został skomponowany przez Dereka Duke oraz Russela Browera i śpiewany przez artystkę Vangie Gunn. Pojawia się w soundtracku z Burning Crusade. Lament można usłyszeć w grze, śpiewany przez Lady Sylvanas Windrunner i jej Wysoko Urodzone Płaczki (banshee o przyjemnych głosach) po odnalezieniu jej medaliku (Naszyjniku Pani, daru od jej siostry Allerii) w Iglicy Windrunnerów na Upiornych Ziemiach i zwróceniu go Mrocznej Pani.
- Lament of the Highborne er en sang diktet av Derek Duke og Russell Brower, sunget av Vangie Gunn, er i Burning Crusade soundtrack, og er navne på en bok i spillet som inneholder teksten, som er skrevet og utført på Thalassiansk. Boken har ingen funksjon, annet enn å gi spillere muligheten til å lese gjennom teksten så mange ganger som han/hun ønsker. Sangen kan bli hørt i spillet sunget av Lady Sylvanas Windrunner og hennes Highborne Lamenter (som er fin-stemmede banshee) etter å ha funnet smykket hennes (en gave fra hennes søster Alleria) ved Windrunner Spire i Ghostlands og gitt det til henne. Lament of the Highborne sangen og oppdraget manglet i beta fasen av The Burning Crusade - men rett før utslippelsenble sangen og teksten lagt til. Den gjemsøkende melodien kan også bli hørt i Burning Crusade credits musikken, og variasjoner av den bli hørt i Eversong Woods og deler av Ghostlands.
- 「高貴なる者」の哀歌 Anar'alah, anar'alah belore, (光よ 太陽の光よ) Sin'dorei, (血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (血の子らよ) Anar'alah, (光よ) Shindu sin'dorei, (衰えし血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (ああ血の子らよ) Anar'alah belore. (太陽の光よ) Shindu sin'dorei, (衰えし血の子らよ) Shindu fallah na. (敵が攻め込んでいる) Sin'dorei, (ああ血の子らよ) Anar'alah belore, (太陽の光よ) Belore. (太陽よ)
- The Lament of the Highborne is a small book that contains the Thalassian song of the same name. The lament was composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower and sung by artist Vangie Gunn. It appears on the Burning Crusade soundtrack. The book serves no gameplay purpose, other than to offer the player a chance to reread the lyrics as many times as they wish. The composers revealed that "the quest design team enhanced a new quest line to incorporate the song as a payoff moment". The lament can be heard in-game by Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and her Highborne Lamenters (pleasant-voiced banshees) after finding her locket (The Lady's Necklace, a gift from her sister Alleria) at Windrunner Spire in the Ghostlands and returning it to the Dark Lady, and at the end of the Silverpine Forest quest line where she charges through the battle killing the fighting worgen. The Lament of the Highborne song and event were originally absent from the beta phase of The Burning Crusade — however, before release, the event was added to the quest, along with the lyrics to the song. The haunting melody can also be heard as the Burning Crusade credits music, and variations on the lament play in the Eversong Woods and certain areas of the Ghostlands. The instrumental version of the lament without Sylvanas' voice is a part of the background musics of the Eversong Woods. It is modified into different versions, although combined to form the background music of it.