Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a fighting game developed by SNK. Set in the same universe as the main Fatal Fury series, but one generation later following the death of Geese Howard and the collapse of his crime empire, the story follows Rock Howard as he enters the King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem competition and makes a shocking discovery about his past. Unlike the other Fatal Fury games, no characters from prequels return to this game with the exception of Terry Bogard, who was drastically redesigned for this game.
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| - Garou: Mark of the Wolves
| - Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a fighting game developed by SNK. Set in the same universe as the main Fatal Fury series, but one generation later following the death of Geese Howard and the collapse of his crime empire, the story follows Rock Howard as he enters the King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem competition and makes a shocking discovery about his past. Unlike the other Fatal Fury games, no characters from prequels return to this game with the exception of Terry Bogard, who was drastically redesigned for this game.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a loose adaptation of the Neo-Geo game with the same name for GameBoy Color, possibly created by SKOB (seeing that King of Fighters R2 shares the engine and the style of the backgrounds with this game) at an unknown date.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves (餓狼 MARK OF THE WOLVES, Garō Māku obu za Uruvusu) or Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves for the Dreamcast release; referred to as Garou or MOW for short, it is the ninth and currently final game in the Fatal Fury series set ten years after the death of Geese Howard. It is known for pushing the graphical capabilities of the Neo Geo, utilizing 3D graphics and semi-transparency, as well as its well-balanced roster of characters and highly technical gameplay.
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| - Arcade, Neo Geo, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Xbox Live Arcade, iOS, Android, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Microsoft Windows
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| - Cover art. Illustration done by TONKO.
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| - Garou: Mark of the Wolves
| - Single-player, multiplayer
| - Garou 2003: Mark of the Wolfs
| - Android
- Microsoft Windows
- Arcade
- --01-09
- --02-19
- --02-25
- --06-24
- --06-30
- --09-27
- --12-03
- --07-15
- --11-26
- PlayStation Network
- --12-07
- iOS
- Humble Bundle:
- Steam:
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| - SNK, Code Mystics , DotEmu , CRI Middleware, Agetec
| - Fiver Firm
- SNK, CRI Middleware, Agetec
| - Garou: Mark of the Wolves (餓狼 MARK OF THE WOLVES, Garō Māku obu za Uruvusu) or Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves for the Dreamcast release; referred to as Garou or MOW for short, it is the ninth and currently final game in the Fatal Fury series set ten years after the death of Geese Howard. It is known for pushing the graphical capabilities of the Neo Geo, utilizing 3D graphics and semi-transparency, as well as its well-balanced roster of characters and highly technical gameplay. As part of SNK's celebration of the series's 15 year anniversary, a retrospective movie was made to take place shortly after. The game's sequel, tentatively titled Garou: Mark of the Wolves 2, was reported to be in the works on the Neo Geo system several times by Korean news sources. Since 2002, the project has been put on hold and eventually cancelled. According to Falcoon at the 2005 KOF Party, the game's sequel was around 70% percent complete by the old SNK team. Ureshino reported that a new grappler character and Joe Higashi's apprentice were added to the roster. In December 2016, the game was released for three platforms: for PS4 and PS Vita, on Day 3, and for Steam, on day 9. There was already another PC version, released by the Humble Bundle, in January of that year.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a fighting game developed by SNK. Set in the same universe as the main Fatal Fury series, but one generation later following the death of Geese Howard and the collapse of his crime empire, the story follows Rock Howard as he enters the King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem competition and makes a shocking discovery about his past. Unlike the other Fatal Fury games, no characters from prequels return to this game with the exception of Terry Bogard, who was drastically redesigned for this game.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves is a loose adaptation of the Neo-Geo game with the same name for GameBoy Color, possibly created by SKOB (seeing that King of Fighters R2 shares the engine and the style of the backgrounds with this game) at an unknown date.
is Introduced in
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