| - They appear like luminous quasi-humanoid beings and have some form of amorphous biology which allows them to reshape their bodies, turning into a globular mist-like form and taking over the bodies of other creatures to mimic their appearance. They keep their victims in suspended animation within a broadcasting machine in order to remain in their form (very similar to the Zygons). If the machine is suddenly unplugged the alien experiences a great shock, often resulting in its death. These aliens are much stronger, and implied to be much more long-lived, than Humans. They are more adept at seeing in darkness and are also unharmed by bullets, likely due to their essentially amorphous nature. However, they are also known to be allergic to alcohol, and are lethally vulnerable to concentrated doses of oxygen. When they die they first stop glowing, then their bodies liquefy and dissolve (although, strangely enough, this doesn't seem to happen when they are killed by oxygen). Members of this species seem to have had some form of sexual dimorphism, and the males and females lived separately from each other, only coming together for mating purposes. Unfortunately, it appears that their females were far more vulnerable to solar radiation, as they all died out before managing to leave the planet, leaving the remaining males alone and unable to have children on their own.