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Islam is a large religion exerted on Earth. Its sacred text called the Quran, and their followers call themselves Muslims. Some groups, including Taliban and Al-Qaeda follow an extremist view of Islam. Islam, among Earth's other major religions, mentioned by Dr. Elizabeth Weir in 2005 as part of an unsuccessful negotiations with Chaya Sar to allow Atlantis expedition refuge in her home planet. The expedition also seems to have brought some kind of a Quran with them to Atlantis, as Chaya read one. (SGA: "Sanctuary", "Phantoms")

  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam
  • Islam is a large religion exerted on Earth. Its sacred text called the Quran, and their followers call themselves Muslims. Some groups, including Taliban and Al-Qaeda follow an extremist view of Islam. Islam, among Earth's other major religions, mentioned by Dr. Elizabeth Weir in 2005 as part of an unsuccessful negotiations with Chaya Sar to allow Atlantis expedition refuge in her home planet. The expedition also seems to have brought some kind of a Quran with them to Atlantis, as Chaya read one. (SGA: "Sanctuary", "Phantoms")
  • Islam is a monotheistic religion practiced by Muslims. Main religious text: Qur'an Main prophet: Muhammad Denominations: Many denominations where some of the biggest are Sunni, Shi'a, Sufi, etc. Number of global adherents: 1.3-1.7 billion (estimates vary, 2nd largest religion)
  • Islam – religia pokoju, która wcale to a wcale nie nakazuje wysadzić się w powietrze przy najbliższej nadarzającej się okazji, tym bardziej wraz z jak największą liczbą białych ludzi! Nie stanowi ona, że szeptać należy wrzeszcząc, ani nie nakazuje, aby modlić się, miotając po całym meczecie.
  • Replace these words with an introduction that includes an overview of the religion and information about the founder, if any, and place of origin.
  • Islam was an ancient monotheistic religious faith founded in the Arabian Peninsula on Old Earth around the 15th Century Ante Diaspora by a merchant and warrior named Mohammed. The Masadan branch of the Church of Humanity Unchained considered the Islamic faith to be heretical. (HHA4.1: PL)
  • Islam was a Human religion, founded in the 7th century. Based on the teachings and prophesies of a man named Mohammed, Islam eventually became one of the major religious faiths on Earth, surviving into the 23rd century and beyond. Imam al-Jazaar ministered to the Muslim community of Starbase 47 as of 2265. (VAN novel: Harbinger) In 2370, Benjamin Sisko viewed a message from Kai Opaka Sulan which featured caligraphy that reminded Sisko of Islamic art. (DS9 novel: Warchild)
  • Islam is a religion in some of the Civilization games.
  • Is lamb what? Tasty? You bet.
  • Islam has a "left". *
  • Der Islam ist eine monotheistische Religion, die im frühen 7. Jahrhundert in Arabien durch den Propheten Mohammed gestiftet wurde. Mit 1,6 Milliarden Anhängern ist sie nach dem Christentum (ca. 2,2 Milliarden Anhänger) heute die zweitgrößte Weltreligion.
  • Muhamoud founded Islam
  • Islam' was a religion practiced in the Far East. They were viewed as the 'heathen worshippers of a foreign god'. They ruled most of the Mediterranean, including ports of Tunis and Malaga.
  • In the United States, the Islamic-American Alliance was a foundation that protected the rights of American Muslims and their families. Often, terrorist attacks by fundamentalist Islamic groups stirred suspicion and violence against innocent Muslim citizens.
  • Chercher "islam" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Der Islam (arabisch: !§£@~~, zu deutsch etwa: „Monotheismus 3.0“) ist ein von etwa 1,3 Milliarden Menschen ausgeübtes, zeitraubendes Hobby. Islam bedeutet soviel wie Unterwerfung unter Gott. Gott liebt es, wenn sich möglichst viele Gläubige unter ihn werfen. Der durchschnittliche I-slammer wirft sich etwa fünfmal täglich unter Gott, Hardcore-slammer bis zu ein Dutzend Mal, oder sie bleiben gleich ganz drunter.
  • En 2365, Jean-Luc Picard indiqua, en référence à une ancienne légende, que les anciens Arabes croyaient qu'Allah avait créé le cheval à partir du vent du sud. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
  • El islam (en árabe: الإسلام, al-Islām, sometimiento) es una religión monoteísta abrahámica cuyo dogma de fe se basa en el libro del Corán, el cual establece como premisa fundamental para sus creyentes que «No hay más Dios que Alá y que Mahoma es el último mensajero de Alá».
  • L'Islam è una religione molto diffusa e amata[citazione necessaria] in tutto il mondo, amica del progresso e della pace tra i popoli[citazione necessaria], della tolleranza[citazione necessaria] e soprattutto del rispetto della donna.
  • Muslims believe that God revealed the Qu'ran to Muhammad and that Muhammad is God's final prophet. Muslims consider the Qu'ran and the traditions of Muhammad in the Sunnah to be the fundamental sources of Islam. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is an Abrahamic religion. Islam has historically recognized the Abrahamic roots all three religions share and protected Jews and Christians living within their countries, however, several Muslim countries have had increases in anti-Semitism due to in part the existence of Israel. Christian-Islamic relations have also suffered due in part to Christian blame of 9/11 on Islam.
  • Islam (Arabic: الإسلام; al-islām (listen (help·info)), "submission (to the will of God)") is a monotheistic faith, one of the Abrahamic religions, and the world's second-largest religion. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Muslims believe that God revealed his divine word directly to mankind through many prophets, and that Muhammad was the final prophet of Islam. Mohammad began preaching about 610
  • There are between 1.1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity.
  • The Qur'an, Islam's holy book, has been noted to say many fucked up things, or not. It depends on the translation (this fact was brought to you by the Politically Correct.) Many things in the Qur'an includes: * Allahu Akbar * Blow up the twin towers. * Oppress basically everyone who isn't like you. * Avoid pork at all costs because if you go near it, Satan will possess you. * Rape those who do not wear a hijab. * Expect the 72 virgins in heaven after you died. * If you're a woman: Go to hell!
  • Islamul (Arabă:إسلام) este o religie avraamică, monoteistă, fiind a doua religie în lume în ceea ce privește numărul de adepți, după creștinism.
  • Islam- stands for I slam. I slam planes into buildings. I slam a chicken into the microwave.
  • Islam was founded by a pedophile who was in a cave making bombs when he heard an angel from Allah spoke to him while he was high on pan. He told him to invade any land he could (cause fuck you, that's why) and any atheist, homosexual, non-hijab wearing woman or infidel you find, you can either decapitate, torture, stone, rape, or extort money from; but be peaceful about it. So he did and he spread the religion of Islam to some shithole. After that, he married a child. Allah then published the Quran, also known as The Craan or The Crayon, the holiest book ever.
  • Islam (اإسلام; al-islam, Arabic), is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating from the 7th century with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The word Islam means "submission," or the total surrender of oneself to God (Allah). An adherent or follower of Islam is known as a Muslim (Arabic: مسلم)
  • Islam on uskonto jonka tunnustajia kutsutaan muslimeiksi.
  • Islam is a monotheistic religion based upon the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. It is the second-largest religion in the world. Linguistically, "Islam" means to submit, and refers to the submission or total surrender of one's self to God. Thus, a Muslim is "one who submits to God". Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad and that Muhammad is God's final prophet. Muslims consider the Qur'an and the traditions of Muhammad in the Sunnah to be the fundamental sources of Islam. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is an Abrahamic religion.
  • Islam is a religion, where Muhammad is considered an important prophet. In the TMNT Adventures comic books, Splinter tells the Turtles and Ninjara a brief history of Islam in the storyline The Black Stone.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 009000
  • Islam ('servia' e 'pas' en Arabian) es la relijio fundada en la instrui de Muhammed, un comersior de Meca (en la area conoseda aora como Saudi Arabia). La testo prima de Islam es la Curan, ma on crede ance en la Hadites (vide: Hadit), o la dises importante de Muhammed. Islam es la relijio du per popla en la mundo.
  • Islam är en stor religion utövas på Jorden. En anhängare av religionen kallas muslim. Dess heliga text kallas Koranen. Vissa grupper, däribland taliban följa en extremistisk syn på islam. Islam, bland Jordens andra stora religioner, nämndes av Elizabeth Weir under 2005 som en del av ett misslyckat förhandlingar med Chaya Sar för att tillåta Atlantis Expeditionen tillflykt i sitt hemplanet. Expeditionen tycks också ha fört någon form av en Koran med dem till Atlantis, som Chaya läsa en. (ATL: "Sanctuary", "Phantoms")
  • Islam is the world's second largest religion. Like Christianity, Islam was influenced by Judaism. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Islam is the youngest of the three main Abrahamic religions, being founded centuries after Judaism and Christianity. When Islam was created by Muhammad, who had been fascinated by Judaism for many years, he ordered that Muslims should pray towards Jerusalem the holy city of the Jews. Only later was it changed to Mecca.
  • L'islam est une religion reconnue par l'Etat belge. Elle bénéficie donc d'un soutien financier de l'état belge, et a droit à des émissions sur les radios et télévisions publiques. Elle organise des cours de religion dans l'enseignement. L'Exécutif des musulmans de Belgique est l'organisation officielle qui représente l'islam auprès de l'Etat belge. Le port du voile islamique à l'école peut être interdit par le réglement d'ordre intérieur d'une école. Le centre islamique et culturel de Belgique se trouve dans le parc du Cinquantenaire. Les cinq devoirs ou piliers de l'Islam sont:
  • Islam (Arab: al-islām, الإسلام : "berserah diri kepada Tuhan") adalah agama yang mengimani satu Tuhan, yaitu Allah. Agama ini termasuk agama samawi (agama-agama yang dipercaya oleh para pengikutnya diturunkan dari langit) dan termasuk dalam golongan agama Ibrahim. Dengan lebih dari satu seperempat milyar orang pengikut di seluruh dunia , menjadikan Islam sebagai agama terbesar kedua di dunia setelah agama Kristen. Islam memiliki arti "penyerahan", atau penyerahan diri sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan (Arab: , Allāh). Pengikut ajaran Islam dikenal dengan sebutan Muslim yang berarti "seorang yang tunduk kepada Tuhan", atau lebih lengkapnya adalah Muslimin bagi laki-laki dan Muslimat bagi perempuan. Islam mengajarkan bahwa Allah menurunkan firman-Nya kepada manusia melalui para nabi dan rasul utusan-N
  • As far as the forces of Heaven go, Islam began with Yves. It started in the 7th century AD, amidst a climate of dissatisfaction with Judaism (too obscure) and Christianity (corrupted by politics). Many angels had come to believe that Heaven should try its hand at crafting something like Christianity from scratch, applying more guidance in its early phases.
  • Islâm es el nombre con el que se conoce al Mensaje Revelado (Dîn) que trasmitió Muhammad (s.a.s.). El Islam es un Dîn, un Mensaje Revelado y una Senda sobre la que el ser humano redescubre a su Creador y se orienta hacia Él. El Islam, lo que significa y representa, es el Dîn por antonomasia, la Senda, y sólo metafóricamente se da el nombre de dîn a cualquier otro sistema espiritual o religión. El Islam, en tanto que rendición incondicionada al Creador, es el Dîn de Allah (Dîn-u-llâh), es decir, la manera de vivir y de situarse en el mundo que le satisface, pues ha sido revelada por Él mismo y es conforme a su Verdad (es Dîn al-Haqq). Dîn e Islâm son, por un lado y antes que nada, sinónimos; por otro, Dîn tiene un sentido ancestral e Islâm se aplica entonces a la forma que adopta bajo la pr
  • Islam is a religion located south of the equator (yes, every bit of it is south of the equator) and could be considered Christianity's brother, due to its similarities, differences, and the fact that the mommy religion and the daddy religion loved each other very much and fucked each other until they had three kids. The result was Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. Muhammad Ali is the founder of Islam, of which he stumbled over a twig in the ground and fell face down to the ground and started believing in Allah after that.
  • Islam seeks to convert "infidels" to its way of non-violence. The Qur'an calls for the use of the sword, and indeed avoiding imminent murder is the usual motivation for converting. Islam has accommodated itself to modernity: devotees now use box-cutters instead, which are more easily snuck onto a plane.
  • Islam is one of the three major religions that sprang forth from the Middle East, along with Judaism and Christianity. It traces its origin back to Abraham, whom its adherents called Muslims believed worshipped Allah, their "one true God". They believe that Allah revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, "God's final prophet", through the angel Gabriel, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam. They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds that Jews and Christians distorted the revelations God gave to these prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both. There were
  • __INDEX__ Der Islam ist eine monotheistische Religion, die im frühen 7. Jahrhundert in Arabien durch den Propheten Mohammed gestiftet wurde. Mit 1,57 Milliarden Anhängern ist sie nach dem Christentum (ca. 2,2 Milliarden Anhänger) heute die zweitgrößte Weltreligion.
  • L'Islam, c'est comme une boîte de chocolat : quand Allah nous l'a offert il n'y avait déjà presque plus de blancs. C'est dur de se dire qu'il a gardé les meilleurs pour lui. Du coup, nous en Islam, on est très énervés. Alors les premiers trucs que j'ai appris, forcément, ont eu un peu de mal à rentrer. J'ai donc fait un effort.
  • Islam is one of the world's major religions, with large populations of adherents in the Arab world, northern Africa, and western Asia. Practitioners are known as Muslims (and were referred to as Muhammadans), the central holy scripture is called the Qu'ran (or Koran), and a mosque is the local house of worship. During the latter part of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the term Mohammedan was incorrectly used by Europeans to denote Muslim.
  • Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to submit to and serve Allah (God). Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets. They maintain that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or altered over time, but consider the Arabic Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on mu
  • De islam (Arabisch: الإسلام al-islām) is een monotheïstische godsdienst en een van de drie grote(re) zogenoemde Abrahamitische religies. Het Arabische woord islam betekent letterlijk overgave (aan God) of onderwerping en wijst op het fundamentele, religieuze principe dat een aanhanger van de islam (moslim) zich overgeeft aan Gods wil en wetten. Het voornaamste heilige boek voor moslims is de Koran, waarvan zij geloven dat God de tekst via de aartsengel Gabriël aan Mohammed als profeet en boodschapper doorgaf. Het aantal moslims wordt wereldwijd geschat op ruim 1 miljard mensen oftewel 20 procent van de wereldbevolking (2006).
  • L'islam est une religion monothéiste, dont le fondateur est Mahomet en Arabie au VIIème siècle. L'islam rassemble en 2009 1,57 milliard de fidèles, appelés musulmans, ce qui en fait la seconde du monde par le nombre de fidèles, après le christianisme et devant l'hindouisme. C’est, chronologiquement parlant, le troisième grand courant monothéiste de la famille des religions abrahamiques, après le judaïsme et le [[christianisme] avec lesquels il possède un certain nombre d'éléments communs.
  • (That having been said, please avoid placing likenesses of his peacefulness into this article, until Wikia can afford a full time crew of snipers to guard the main facilities in San Fransisco. We appreciate your cooperation with this sensitive issue. -- The Management.) By no means all Muslims are as bad as the worst.
  • Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1] Arabic: الإسلام‎‎, al-ʾIslām IPA: [alʔisˈlaːm] ( listen);[note 2] historically calledMuhammadanism in non-Islamic Anglophone societies)[note 3] is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religionarticulated by the Qur'an, a religious text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God(Allāh), and, for the vast majority of adherents, by the teachings and normative example (called thesunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570–8 June 632 CE). An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim (sometimes spelled "Moslem").[2] Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable[3] and that the purpose of existence is to worship God.[4] Nearly all Muslims consider Muhammad to be the last prophet of God.
  • Islam was an Earth religion that originated from the region known as the Middle East. Founded in the 7th century C.E., it stems from the same Abrahamic roots as Christianity and Judaism. While Jesus Christ and Moses are believed in as prophets, Islam regards the teachings of Muhammad, whom they believe to be the final prophet, to be key. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Muslims use a document called the Qur'an, said to have been dictated by God to Muhammad over a period of several years, as their primary religious scripture.
  • thumb|right|90px|Islamsymbool De islam (Arabisch: الإسلام) al-islām (Perzisch: اسلام) is een monotheïstische godsdienst en een van de drie grote(re) zogenoemde Abrahamitische religies. Het Arabische woord islam betekent letterlijk overgave (aan God) of onderwerping en wijst op het fundamentele, religieuze principe dat een aanhanger van de islam (moslim) zich overgeeft aan Gods wil en wetten. Het voornaamste heilige boek voor moslims is de Koran, waarvan zij geloven dat God de tekst via de aartsengel Gabriël aan Mohammed als profeet en boodschapper doorgaf. Naast de Koran is de soenna van Mohammed, waarin de levenswijze, de gezegden en de standpunten van de profeet worden beschreven, ook een belangrijke bron voor de islamitische doctrine.
  • Islam was one of the major religions of Earth. During the Crusades, Muslims, particularly those who fought in the conflict, were referred to as Saracens. (TV: The Crusade) The left hand was seen as unclean and wasn't used for cooking, eating, or greeting people. Muslims worshipped Allah, and used the prayer "Allahu Akbar", meaning "god is great". (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) Islam's holy book was called the Koran. (AUDIO: The Feast of Magog) In 1240, Bishop Vasil hoped to form an alliance with the Mongols to fight against the forces of Islam. (PROSE: Bunker Soldiers)
  • Islamic views on homosexuality have always been influenced by the rulings prescribed by the Qur'an and the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammed. Traditionally, Qur'anic verses and hadith have condemned sexual acts between members of the same sex. Eminent scholars of Islam, such as Sheikh ul-Islam Imam Malik, Imam Shafi amongst others, rule that the Islam disallows homosexuality and ordains a capital punishment for a person guilty of it.
  • Alah.png
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