Goyža, previously known as Salvai 224-C, is an Earthlike planet located in Crux-Scutum arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It has a diameter of approximately 36,500 km and it has about 0.9 time the mass of Earth, making its gravity marginally less powerful. Due to its relatively warm global climate, only the far northern and southern areas of the planet are habitable. It is populated by an isolated subspecies of human known as the Goydeyr, aka Manebacks or Medusas, who evolved from the original colonists after a discontinued attempt to occupy it by the Salvai Empire.
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| - Goyža, previously known as Salvai 224-C, is an Earthlike planet located in Crux-Scutum arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It has a diameter of approximately 36,500 km and it has about 0.9 time the mass of Earth, making its gravity marginally less powerful. Due to its relatively warm global climate, only the far northern and southern areas of the planet are habitable. It is populated by an isolated subspecies of human known as the Goydeyr, aka Manebacks or Medusas, who evolved from the original colonists after a discontinued attempt to occupy it by the Salvai Empire.
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| - Goyža, previously known as Salvai 224-C, is an Earthlike planet located in Crux-Scutum arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It has a diameter of approximately 36,500 km and it has about 0.9 time the mass of Earth, making its gravity marginally less powerful. Due to its relatively warm global climate, only the far northern and southern areas of the planet are habitable. It is populated by an isolated subspecies of human known as the Goydeyr, aka Manebacks or Medusas, who evolved from the original colonists after a discontinued attempt to occupy it by the Salvai Empire.