| - The Build mode is the family choosing between many, many different houses, and choosing certain adjustments that they would like. Buy Mode is the conscience overseeing a cost-benefit analysis of want and need items on a phone catalog with ridiculously fast delivery and setup service (no IKEA in Sim Nation) and the characters sleepwalk through their jobs, or do things that would be expected of them being in the job. The opportunities for advancement are situations in which the character's conscience, loyalty to the rules of their job, and sometimes self-benefit drive conflict. The conscience actually has to be consulted in these cases and these cases only. The player telling a character to, say, continue cooking or exercising and them complaining that they really have to use the restroom is
| - The Build mode is the family choosing between many, many different houses, and choosing certain adjustments that they would like. Buy Mode is the conscience overseeing a cost-benefit analysis of want and need items on a phone catalog with ridiculously fast delivery and setup service (no IKEA in Sim Nation) and the characters sleepwalk through their jobs, or do things that would be expected of them being in the job. The opportunities for advancement are situations in which the character's conscience, loyalty to the rules of their job, and sometimes self-benefit drive conflict. The conscience actually has to be consulted in these cases and these cases only. The player telling a character to, say, continue cooking or exercising and them complaining that they really have to use the restroom is a conflict between what they think they should be doing and what their body tells them is imperative. And, occasionally, a "defective conscience" (you know who you are) gets fired for losing an entire family (though if you can ber a good enough conscience, and, actually, arbiter of common sense, to add members over time, the conscience enforcement agency doesn't mind if you lose every member of your original family). Actually, a "conscience" might not just be fired, but "terminated" in a lethal way after losing every human under their charge, giving some real incentive to keeping someone alive at all times.
* Speaking of IKEA, the catalog description for one of the cheap tables in The Sims 2 describes it as basically being the Sim-world equivalent. You don't have to set it up though...
* And now there is and IKEA stuff pack.
* Considering in The Sims 2, the Grim Reaper appears when you lose everyone, the concience may actually be terminated.
* This also explains what the Therapist and the Social Bunnies are-guys sent in to maintain the sanity of Sims belonging to incompetent consciences. Of course, given that only said Sims and the conscience can see them...
* In The Sims 2 (PSP), the horrible truth is that the player is a consciousness inside the green crystal who can control others' actions. Makes sense, neh?
* Alternatively, the consciousness in the Plumbob may be 'the Watcher' god from The Sims Medieval.