School Of Wax is a 2014 Horror Thriller film and a sequel to the 2005 film, House of Wax. Starring:Bobby Campo,Chris Zylka,Kristen Stewart,Haley Webb,Alex Meraz,Kevin G. Schmitd,Malese Jow, Yasmine Yousaf And Nina Dobrev
School Of Wax is a 2014 Horror Thriller film and a sequel to the 2005 film, House of Wax. Starring:Bobby Campo,Chris Zylka,Kristen Stewart,Haley Webb,Alex Meraz,Kevin G. Schmitd,Malese Jow, Yasmine Yousaf And Nina Dobrev
School Of Wax is a 2014 Horror Thriller film and a sequel to the 2005 film, House of Wax. Starring:Bobby Campo,Chris Zylka,Kristen Stewart,Haley Webb,Alex Meraz,Kevin G. Schmitd,Malese Jow, Yasmine Yousaf And Nina Dobrev