| - Doofensmirtz: Vanessa, I have good news! Vanessa: Whatever... Doof: You remember Vlad the Platypus, don't you? Vanessa: Of course! That platypus who was working with Perry. Doof: Yes, yes he was. Now he is working with me! Helping me to take over the tri-state Area! Vlad: *chatters*! Meanwhile, Perry is in his lair. Monogram: We have no idea what Doof is up to! He didn't build any new inators! But, anyway, stop him!
* Perrry leaves* Carl: Sir? Monogram: What? Carl: We can't find Agent V anywhere! Monogram: Agent V? Vlad? The Platypus? Owned by Ann? Carl: Yes sir! Monogram: Oh no! Carl: We don't have one!
| - Doofensmirtz: Vanessa, I have good news! Vanessa: Whatever... Doof: You remember Vlad the Platypus, don't you? Vanessa: Of course! That platypus who was working with Perry. Doof: Yes, yes he was. Now he is working with me! Helping me to take over the tri-state Area! Vlad: *chatters*! Meanwhile, Perry is in his lair. Monogram: We have no idea what Doof is up to! He didn't build any new inators! But, anyway, stop him!
* Perrry leaves* Carl: Sir? Monogram: What? Carl: We can't find Agent V anywhere! Monogram: Agent V? Vlad? The Platypus? Owned by Ann? Carl: Yes sir! Monogram: Oh no! Carl: What should I do, sir? Monogram: Use the tracking device. Carl: We don't have one! Monogram: Well, we should have one! Meanwhile, at D.E.I Doof: You see, Perry the Platypus, I didn't build any new inator! Because i have this! Doof shows the platypus, Vlad. Monogram is litsening with a microphone in Perry's hat. Monogram:Is that agent V? Carl: Yes, yes it is! Monogram: Why is he evil? Perry: *has a flashback*