| - Centuries ago, Turai Ossa saved the nation of Elona by defeating the undead lord Palawa Joko. In gratitude, the populace praised him as the warmarshal of Kourna... and the nation accepted him as their king. Since that time, all of Kourna’s warmarshals have been direct descendents of Turai. Varesh Ossa was the latest inheritor of that legacy—and like her ancestor, she had a vision for the future of the nation. Varesh Ossa was a brilliant commander, a loyal Kournan who instills loyalty and dedication in her troops. Like her ancestor Turai, she had also shown an interest in more spiritual concerns. Elonians saw much of Turai’s greatness in Varesh. By using political acumen, her charismatic presence, and the influence of her family legacy, Varesh had rallied the Kournan army, inspiring them as Turai Ossa did long ago. Some loyal Elonians hoped that she can unify the nation again, restoring it to the greatness of its past. Others fervently hoped that she did not share his madness. History has shown how well Varesh succeeded on her own spiritual quest.