| - Bristopolis, also colloquially known as Bristol or The City, is a metropolis and the capital and largest city of the Bristolian Republic. Bristopolis is located in the south-west of Great Britain in Western Europe. Bristopolis has a total population of roughly 45 million people as of 2050. Bristopolis is a city in its own right, and consists of four Urban Zones, Clifton, Wyvern City, Birmingham, and Bath, which has become the most prosperous district, housing Bristopolis' richest and elite.
| - Bristopolis, also colloquially known as Bristol or The City, is a metropolis and the capital and largest city of the Bristolian Republic. Bristopolis is located in the south-west of Great Britain in Western Europe. Bristopolis has a total population of roughly 45 million people as of 2050. Bristopolis is a city in its own right, and consists of four Urban Zones, Clifton, Wyvern City, Birmingham, and Bath, which has become the most prosperous district, housing Bristopolis' richest and elite. Surviving the fall of the United Kingdom and the subsequent Sino-Russo Invasion in 2021, the city became a haven for refugees fleeing from areas at threat from sea level rise, radioactive fallout and anarchy which constituted much of Europe after the fall. The city grew over the years, with the assistance of one the few survivng corporations, Pharrell, to become a major global economic centre and a mecca of technological development. The Pharrell Corporation had increasingly more power over the city as time went on, and the Bristol Shield was the built, which protected the city and surrounding areas from sea level rise and flooding. Today, the city leads the world in technological development under the might of the Pharrell Corporation, and boasts a burgeoning population of over 45 million people, utilising a highly advanced infrastructure network and developing a unique culture. Bristopolis' culture is highly unique, forged by decades of survival in a harsh and unpredictable world, and a mixture of throwback to anarchism and political activism of the 1970's and 80's. Bristopolis is one of the world's cultural capitals along Paris and Tokyo, being integral in the development of world culture regarding music, fashion, entertainment and aesthetics.