| - Americanoz was the legendary bald eagle daemon of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. As an eagle, she showed that Luke was courageous, ingenious, perceptive, strong, and believed in swift action when necessary. Americanoz was originally looked down upon by Luke's Uncle Owen, who feared she was a sign that Luke could take the same course in life as his father, who had a griffin (a half-eagle, half-lion) for a daemon. After Ben Kenobi introduced Luke and her to the rest of the galaxy, Americanoz was Luke's most indispensable friend and companion on his long journey to discover how to become a true Jedi. On Dagobah, she assisted Luke with concentrating on the Force during Yoda and Yoga's teachings. When rescuing Han Solo from Jabba, she helped Luke devastate Jabba's entire entourage. On the second Death Star, she reminded Luke of Ben and Yoda's teachings before he could kill Vader, and also helped Peregrin, Anakin's daemon, reembrace the light side, too.