The Covert Recon Force, upon losing its Top Operatives in Operation Mobile, seeks its members for potential, resulting in one, Amaro Vigilant. His skill leads him to be picked for the Light Brigade's Elite Military Combat Suit Project (EMCSP). Twenty Years later, in 2045, he is sent on a mission with four Remote Control Combat Drones (RCCD), controlled by Top Light Brigade Members, to break the stalemate St. Petersburg, the new capital of Russia, as the continuing war there has achieved nothing. After wrecking havoc across the city, he is sent to do the same to Volgograd. He then see's that the war was started due too the CRF Commander, Michael Swarchiwitz, wanting Russia's Uranium and Oil deposits out of greed. He then destroys the RCCD's when they turn on him, and he then destroys the CR
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| - The Covert Recon Force, upon losing its Top Operatives in Operation Mobile, seeks its members for potential, resulting in one, Amaro Vigilant. His skill leads him to be picked for the Light Brigade's Elite Military Combat Suit Project (EMCSP). Twenty Years later, in 2045, he is sent on a mission with four Remote Control Combat Drones (RCCD), controlled by Top Light Brigade Members, to break the stalemate St. Petersburg, the new capital of Russia, as the continuing war there has achieved nothing. After wrecking havoc across the city, he is sent to do the same to Volgograd. He then see's that the war was started due too the CRF Commander, Michael Swarchiwitz, wanting Russia's Uranium and Oil deposits out of greed. He then destroys the RCCD's when they turn on him, and he then destroys the CR
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| - Single-Player, Multiplayer
| - Treyarch, Alienation999Games
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| - The Covert Recon Force, upon losing its Top Operatives in Operation Mobile, seeks its members for potential, resulting in one, Amaro Vigilant. His skill leads him to be picked for the Light Brigade's Elite Military Combat Suit Project (EMCSP). Twenty Years later, in 2045, he is sent on a mission with four Remote Control Combat Drones (RCCD), controlled by Top Light Brigade Members, to break the stalemate St. Petersburg, the new capital of Russia, as the continuing war there has achieved nothing. After wrecking havoc across the city, he is sent to do the same to Volgograd. He then see's that the war was started due too the CRF Commander, Michael Swarchiwitz, wanting Russia's Uranium and Oil deposits out of greed. He then destroys the RCCD's when they turn on him, and he then destroys the CRF outpost in Khimki, and finds the bodies of CRF Operatives sent their twenty years ago. He then assaults Fort Zelenograd, and then teams up with Vladmir Vikir in a Minor Mission to America