| - A persistent fad started by BlackMageJawa during SC2K5. Based on the Moderator's seconds game from April Fools' Day 2005, the idea was that whenever a newb (ie- anyone who doesn't visit Board 8 during the offseason) made one of those horrible common and annoying "Why is ______ losing , he/she/it is much better than _____" topics, we would look at the seconds of their post time, and post the appopriate response. All of the responses were submitted by Board 8 users prior to the start of the contest. Previously, users would post not only the phrase, but the seconds as well (for example posting "00- *Explodes*" rather than just "*Explodes*") which seems to ruin the continuity of posts. For SpC2K6 the numbers have mostly been omitted in order to confuse the newbies more, although they may return in future as some feel that making it clearer what it is adds to the insult. For future contests, will be suggesting new phrases. Here is what we currently have for the most recent contest. As of January 2010, some Seconds Game responses are now considered "disruptive" by the moderating team and will result in disciplinary action.