| - The Challenge is the fifth episode of the Second Season of Recess. It first aired on October 10, 1998
- COMMING SOON Kategorie:Wikis Kategorie:Games
- The Challenge is the third episode of Galactik Football.
- Сперва нужно открыть само Хранилище секретов, затем вводим "The Challenge", и справа появляется кнопка "Play". Для того, чтобы сыграть, нужно собрать 200 алмазов, которые можно заработать в сокровищнице, в квестах, проходя ежедневные уровни и в потерянных испытаниях.
- The Challenge is the first episode of the second series of My Parents Are Aliens.
- The Challenge is a long-running spinoff from The Real World and Road Rules.
- The pool of competitors to choose from each season. Visual
- The quickest way is to enter from Vizunah Square (Local Quarter) (otherwise refer to the map provided for the path if entering from Wajjun Bazaar), head to the navpoint in the Undercity. There you will meet up with Bakghu and several passive Jade Brotherhood mobs. Three more groups of mobs show up, and then a free for all battle takes place. The mobs will fight each other, so try to gang up on the mobs that are being attacked by the other npcs. Once all the mobs are killed, talk to Senjo Wah for your reward.
- Someone has been stealing vegetables from the hydroponic garden at night and Dr. Smith sets up an alarm to catch the culprit. He and Will camp outside and wait, and when Smith’s alarm goes off, they get up to see who is there. The thief turns out to be a very aggressive boy who seems to be spoiling for a fight. John and Don come out to question him, and the boy introduces himself as Quano. Quano challenges Will to a fight and then goes on to make comments about women that the Robinsons find demeaning. Maureen offers him supper and a warm place to sleep, but he refuses their offer of hospitality and leaves.
- Die Spartan-Feuerteams Crimson und Majestic werden nördlich des vom UNSC gesicherten Bereich entsendet, um dort zwei Energiegeneratoren der Blutsväter herunter zu fahren. Jedes Team kümmert sich daher um einen Generator, was einen Wettstreit zwischen diesen entfacht. Commander Sarah Palmer leitet erneut die Operation, wobei Spartan Jared Miller die Teamführung von Crimson übernimmt.
- Meanwhile, at the Hall of Heroes, the Superfriends are honoring one of the first superheroes there ever was: Retired Man. The heroes attending the celebration are Batman, Robin, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Huntress, Captain Marvel and Black Canary. Batman gives him a watch as a token for their appreciation. And Retired Man tells him he wishes he would call him by his old name, the Scarlet Cyclone. But he really hasn't been the same since he tried to stop a speeding bullet, and because of that, he's a bit too decrepit to be a superhero, and that's apparently why his name was changed. Just then, a message came in over the Message center. Robin hands the message to Batman and he reads it. And it reads: The buttons in a secret room, find it and you're free from doom. You'll never make it is