| - Jonathan Paul "John" Saron Sr. (March 6,1989 - June 15, 2070) was a British-American businessman, designer, and revolutionary inventor. He is best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive of Saron Industries and later united it to form the NASA Collaboration. Through this alliance, Saron was able to not only restart the space race, but also evolve it to the colonization of other planets far ahead of planned government schedules.
| - Jonathan Paul "John" Saron Sr. (March 6,1989 - June 15, 2070) was a British-American businessman, designer, and revolutionary inventor. He is best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive of Saron Industries and later united it to form the NASA Collaboration. Through this alliance, Saron was able to not only restart the space race, but also evolve it to the colonization of other planets far ahead of planned government schedules. In the early 2010s, Saron began to study robotics and heavily influenced by the need to help people that by 2015, he began an industry of human-robotic prosthetic which later helped prepare him to ally himself with numerous other corporations to complete the NASA Collaboration. In 2053, due to the immense stress from investors to push forward products. Saron developed a rare stress-related disease, that along with a continually failing health, he was forced to retire and gave the position to his business partner and long-time friend Charles Templeton. On June 15, 2070, Jonathan suffering from an unknown tumor (possibly causing his retirement in 2053) died in his sleep and two months later his wife followed in death due to a car accident in New York City.