| - BBC Television is a television network based in the United Kingdom and spanning several channels worldwide. In the UK, channels include BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four, BBC Parliament and the BBC News Channel.
- By at least implication of the BBC website itself, however, the BBC consider the phrase "BBC Television" to also include networks at least nominally under the control of BBC Worldwide, as profits from BBC Worldwide now go back into paying for the domestic public services. Channels included under this broader definition include: BBC America, BBC Canada, BBC Kids, BBC Prime, BBC Lifestyle, BBC Knowledge, BBC Food, Australia and New Zealand's UKTV, the British commercial UKTV, People+Arts, Animal Planet, and BBC Persian.
| - BBC Television is a television network based in the United Kingdom and spanning several channels worldwide. In the UK, channels include BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four, BBC Parliament and the BBC News Channel.
- By at least implication of the BBC website itself, however, the BBC consider the phrase "BBC Television" to also include networks at least nominally under the control of BBC Worldwide, as profits from BBC Worldwide now go back into paying for the domestic public services. Channels included under this broader definition include: BBC America, BBC Canada, BBC Kids, BBC Prime, BBC Lifestyle, BBC Knowledge, BBC Food, Australia and New Zealand's UKTV, the British commercial UKTV, People+Arts, Animal Planet, and BBC Persian.