| - Up tae the year 1031, Mac Bethad, wein o' Findláech, wein o' Ruadrí, wein o' Domnall, wein o' Morggán, wein o' Cathamal, wein o' Ruadrí, wein o' Ailgelach, wein o' Ferchar, wein o' Fergus, wein o' Nechtan, wein o' Colmán, wein o' Báetán, wein o' Eochaid wein o' Muiredach, wein o' Loarn, wein o' Ercc, wein o' Eochaid Muinremuir, wein o' Stevie Jobbs, wis an "average Angus" kind o' Scottish general. There wis nothing much that set him apart fae the rest o' the pack. no even being Thane o' Glamis brought him much recognition. (Note: Glamis is apparently a small village in north-eastern Scotland.) He wis then best known fer being a close friend and confidante tae the English expatriate William Henry "Banquo" Gates I, creator o' Windaughs brand parchment and blue ink. Despite the tendency o' th
| - Up tae the year 1031, Mac Bethad, wein o' Findláech, wein o' Ruadrí, wein o' Domnall, wein o' Morggán, wein o' Cathamal, wein o' Ruadrí, wein o' Ailgelach, wein o' Ferchar, wein o' Fergus, wein o' Nechtan, wein o' Colmán, wein o' Báetán, wein o' Eochaid wein o' Muiredach, wein o' Loarn, wein o' Ercc, wein o' Eochaid Muinremuir, wein o' Stevie Jobbs, wis an "average Angus" kind o' Scottish general. There wis nothing much that set him apart fae the rest o' the pack. no even being Thane o' Glamis brought him much recognition. (Note: Glamis is apparently a small village in north-eastern Scotland.) He wis then best known fer being a close friend and confidante tae the English expatriate William Henry "Banquo" Gates I, creator o' Windaughs brand parchment and blue ink. Despite the tendency o' the ink containers tae leak onto the parchment in a phenomenon known as the "Blue Page o' Death", Gates's brainchild wis then the most popular method o' storing information across the British Isles, France, and the north-western Holy Roman Empire. With his personal wealth secured, Gates had time tae pursue other hobbies, such as waging war with the Norwegian Linus Torvaldson. Macbeth wid often accompany him in these battles while Scotland wis at peace. It wid be one o' these battles that wid change Macbeth's life forever. On May 14, 1031, Macbeth wis trying desperately tae hold back a unit o' Torvaldson's army nicknamed the Killer Penguins when he spied upon a nearby heath that could offer him shelter. Macbeth fled tae the heath, with Gates soon following. Once inside the heath, however, the skies immediately turned pitch black with a single bright light visible in the distance. The light slowly moved closer tae Macbeth, with three elderly witches walking behind, their arms outstretched as if holding the light. The witches stopped in front o' Macbeth and began uttering words that wid change the course o' history: An object then materialized fae the light, specifically what we noo know as a laptop. However, in 11th-century Scotland, the laptop had no been invented yet, so Macbeth wis originally confused as tae what tae do with it. Noting his bewilderment, the witches conjured an apparition in the form o' the Video Professor. After being behoved tae "try my product" and being walked through an easy-to-use, step-by-step tutorial o' everything he needed tae know, Macbeth knew what he had tae do. Using his powers as Thane o' Glamis, he named the witches the official manufacturers o' the MacBook and guaranteed them a cut o' the profits in return. It wis time tae unleash the new invention oan the masses.