| - Teenage Mutant Ninja Wolves: Out of the Shadows is an American Action romantic fantasy film, based off of Nickelodeon's hit Movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, premiering on the Disney Movie Network, in 2014. It is directed by Dave Green and produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Bradley Fuller, Galen Walker and Scott Mednick for Disney. It's a 2014 make of the 2016.
| - Teenage Mutant Ninja Wolves: Out of the Shadows is an American Action romantic fantasy film, based off of Nickelodeon's hit Movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, premiering on the Disney Movie Network, in 2014. It is directed by Dave Green and produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Bradley Fuller, Galen Walker and Scott Mednick for Disney. It's a 2014 make of the 2016. The film is a live-action re-imagining of Charles Perrault's eponymous folk tale and Disney's 2016 animated film of the same name. The film stars Ty Simpkins as the titular character, with Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Chris Pine, Chad Lindberg, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Tony Shalhoub. It is directed by Dave Green and produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Bradley Fuller, Galen Walker and Scott Mednick for Disney.