| - It was around eleven in the morning when a special kunai that hung near Ichiraku swayed back and forth due to an expected breeze. Afterwards, a rather annoyed looking girl could be seen right under the kunai. "Why did mom after to kick me out of the house like that." Ikari muttered. She looked around and noticed and unfamiliar red haired male. Shocked to see someone just appear out of no where, this person caught his attention. As he turned his face towards the person he realized, that this was no ordinary shinobi. His eyes grew big his face turned as red as his hair and he began to drool. He began to stare at the lady. After regaining his composure he began to walk towards the attractive women stating "I don't believe in god but I do believe in angels and there is one standing right in front of me right now" As he said this Shenron pulled out a rose and offered it to her. When Ikari heard the man she turned and glared at him. It was way too early in the morning for her to be polite as usual the early morning brought dramatically decreased her patience. "What do you want?" Ikari asked, her voice filled with annoyance. Still admiring her beauty, Shenron was in an unconscious state. Without any thought Shenron replied "What I want, What do I want? All I want is a night with you my love. With your pretty brown eyes and your....." His eye lowered from her eye to her breasts. Blood began to drip from his nose. Ikari sighed and debated how she should handle this situation. She could tell this guy that she was the daughter of Naruto, that always seemed to get people like him to leave her alone. Instead, she tried a different tactic. "If you don't need me for anything I have places to be." Ikari said. Noticing to that the lady was leaving Shenron returned to his senses. He decided to actually have a conversation with the lady "Hey hey don't do that, I'm so sorry for the disrespect, can I offer you a drink (pause) I never got your name did I. Well I'm Shenron and what shall I call you" Ikari noticed the change of pace immediately and she was a bit suspicious. When she heard the man ask for her name she paused a while, as she debated whether she should actually tell Shenron her name. "My name is Ikari." she responded finally. "I am not thirsty, thank you anyway." Ikari continued. "Well Ikari you must be hungry, order something and put it on my tab" Shenron replied with a a smile on his face.