| - Areltsi are native to the planet of the same name in the Nymean Ascendancy. They are among the most populous of species in the Ascendancy and make up much of the upper class and elite. With over 19 billion of them scattered around the Ascendancy, they are a very common and influential species. They are bipedal beings that looked similar to humans. For nearly all of them, their skin has a greenish tint to it which makes many humans or Chiss believe they are ill. When they are stressed over long periods of time, their skin fades to a more pale green or even white. When Areltsi die, their skin loses all color and they turn white as the pigment in their skin fades into their lower epidermis. Their tastes, weaknesses, strengths, and abilities are very similar to humans that if it were not for the color of their skin, they would be very difficult to tell apart. There are several races within the species. Long ago, there were only two dominant races, the dark green and the white skinned Areltsi. Both traits were recessive genes so inbreeding produced light green offspring which quickly became a powerful influence in society. The pure breed white and green Areltsi oppressed the light green Areltsi because of their mixed blood. After a series of race wars, the light green Areltsi took over and nearly wiped out the pure breeds. Three generations ago, a movement spread within the species to preserve the pure breed lines. Those with darker green skin and near white skin were encouraged to marry with beings with similar color to increase the likelihood of the recessive color genes to show forth. The project is developing nicely and both white and green pure breeds are increasing in population.