| - El personaje de The Lost Experience, Rachel Blake, es una mujer que investiga a la Fundación Hanso y dirige la historia desde el punto de vista del jugador. Es la hija de Alvar Hanso, y ha usado dos indentidades mientras completaba su trabajo en la Experiencia; su falsa identidad "Persephone" mientras hackeaba las línea telefónica Hanso, y su verdadero nombre "Rachel Blake" mientras escribía en su blog o filmaba su progreso en sus planes de destruir la Fundación en Europa. Junto a DJ Dan, Rachel es uno de los protagonistas de la historia y generalmente es el único personaje que descubre nueva información.
- Extremely little is known about Rachel Blake. She seems to have a strong personal vendetta against The Hanso Foundation, but the reasons for it remains a mystery. In an audio file, she mentions that her mother is dead, and that is the reason why she is fighting against the Hanso Foundation. It was revealed at the end of the Lost Experience that she is in fact the daughter of Alvar Hanso, and that the Hanso Foundation provided a trust fund to her in secret while she was growing up with her mother.
- Episode Count Cause of death AlternateVersion Alternate Version Appearances Rachel Blake (born Rachel Dunham) is Olivia Dunham's younger sister and the mother of Ella Blake. She comes to visit Olivia from Chicago after she suffers from marital issues with her unseen husband, Greg. Eventually, Rachel moves back to Chicago where her husband finds a new job, implying they may have reconciled off-screen. In the new timeline, Rachel and Greg either reconciled sooner or never faced the same marital issues witnessed in the original timeline. They had a second child, Eddie Blake.
- Ze is een karakter in The Lost Experience. Rachel Blake is een vrouwe die The Hanso Foundation onderzoekt en ze leidt het het verhaallijn vanuit het oogpunt van een speler. Ze is de dochter van Alvar Hanso, en ze heeft twee identiteiten terwijl ze in TLE speelde; haar valse identiteit "Persephone" terwijl ze de Hanso telefoonlijn en de website hackte, en haar echte naam "Rachel Blake" toen ze haar video filmpjes maakt en aan het "bloggen" was toen ze de Foundation in Europa naar beneden probeerde te halen. Samen met DJ Dan is ze een van de belangrijkte personen, maar ze is meestal wel de enige die nieuwe dingen ontdekt.
- Rachel Blake is the protagonist in the storyline of the Lost alternate reality game The Lost Experience. She is a 25 year old woman investigating The Hanso Foundation, effectively leading players through the game as the main driver of the plot. Under the guise of the hacker "Persephone", Rachel sabotaged the Hanso Foundation website through flash hacks, exposing truths about their dealings. She then moved on to publish blogs and videos on her investigations, culminating in her publishing a video which would "tear the Foundation apart". A recap was posted on Rachel's blog late in the Experience.
- Ein Charakter in Lost Experience ist Rachel Blake, eine Frau welche die Hanso Foundation erforscht und gewissermaßen die Führerin der Geschichte aus der Sicht des Spielers ist. Sie ist die Tochter von Alvar Hanso, und hat zwei Identitäten während ihrer Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit dem Experiment genutzt: Ihre falsche Identität "Persephone" (während sie sich in die Hanso-Telefonleitung und deren Webseite einhackt), und ihren wirklichen Namen "Rachel Blake" (während sie ihren Fortschritt, die Foundation in Europa auszuschalten, auf Film oder in ihrem Tagebuch festhält). Zusammen mit DJ Dan ist sie eine der Protagonisten der Geschichte und ist für gewöhnlich der einzige Charakter, der neue Informationen enthüllt.
- Rachel Blake è la protagonista dell'alternative reality game The Lost Experience; è una donna di 25 anni che sta indagando sulla Hanso Foundation e guida i giocatori attraverso il gioco in qualità di principale personaggio della storia. Sin dalla tenera età è stato chiaro che Rachel Blake era una ragazza molto dotata e bella. Per questo non stupisce il fatto che sia riuscita ad ottenere un lavoro prestigioso: lavora per la Widmore Corporation da quando è poco più che adolescente. Comunque, dopo la morte della madre, Rachel si chiede come un genitore solo possa essersi potuto permettere per lei un'istruzione in scuole esclusive. Indagando sulle sue finanze scopre che la sua istruzione era stata pagata da un fondo fiduciario misterioso, i cui soldi erano stati donati dalla Hanso Foundation,