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- Tanto (鎧通, Tantō) is one of Taki's weapons in Soul Edge.
- Tanto (短刀 "Short Sword", or "Dagger") is the smallest sword carried by the samurai, meant for close quarters combat. It is also used in seppuku, the ritual suicide used to regain honor through death. In Mortal Kombat (2011), it is used as a weapon by Skarlet.
- The Tanto is mostly referred to as a short knife and the blade is either single or double edged. The edge could of been used for cutting Shōji doors or silent killing of sentries. Tantō are molded without a ridge line, meaning that the sides have no ridge line and are nearly flat, unlike the structure of a Katana. Traditional Tantō had cross-sections which one could use for armor-piercing. The wakizashi may have become more popular than the tantō due to the wakizashi being more suited for indoor fighting.
- Tanto was a small robot that was selected as a reserve for Series 7 of Robot Wars. Under loan to Team Immersion, Tanto did not qualify for the main Series 8, but it was chosen to compete at the pilot episode, where the team were known as 'Team Tanto'. Unfortunately, upon their arrival, the arena was deemed unsafe for spinning weapons, and Tanto fought in the first round without the use of its weapon. Dara Ó Briain remarked that he particularly liked Tanto at the event. The name Tanto is derived from Japanese tanto blades, which are short and compact like the robot Tanto itself.
- Tanto (タント) is a member of the member of::Frontier Nature Conservation Corps on residence::Supools and a colleague of Caro Ru Lushe until March 0075. He only appears in the StrikerS manga.
- A tanto is a traditional Japanese style sword, similar to a katana or wakizashi only shorter.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Tanto</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX0018FC(XX must be replaced with the number SKYRIMS UNIQUE TREASURES has in your load order)
- This traditional samurai dagger is often used as a secondary weapon to a Katana, and is great for close range combat and surprise attacks. As a secondary weapon to a Katana, they are known together as a "Daishō" (大小), literally meaning "Big-Small", with "Big" referring to a Katana and "Small" referring either to a Tantō or a Wakizashi (脇差). In "Slash and Destroy", Raph takes one out to use against Slash after seeing him beat Leo up, since his Sai were knocked out of reach earlier in the fight.