| - "You require more Vespene Gas." -Judicator Aldaris Vespene Gas is a prized natural resource found in abundance in the Koprulu Sector, often used as a fuel source and in the production of advanced military technologies.
- Vespene gas is usually green in color, though the color may change through contamination; silver vespene deposits have been observed. It is highly prized by terrans due to its unusually high potential energy rating and as such, is used as a fuel in high-performance engines, energy reactors and simple vehicles in a manner similar to Earth's fossil fuels. Often found in geysers, deposits of vespene can be found on many planets along the galactic rim and in asteroid fields, a number of space platforms having been built to harvest the resource. In addition, vespene can be extracted directly from a planet's crust, albeit with more difficulty. Deposits can be found via geo-survey units, courtesy of the gas's electromagnetic returns. Crystallized vespene can also be found alongside mineral fragme
- Vespene gas is a type of resource used by all advanced Koprulu Sector races. Valued for its high energy yield, the substance is mainly used as fuel or mutation material. All races use their own unique storage container for the gas: Terrans - cylindrical containers, Protoss - cubes, Zerg - organic bags, and the Vaul = hexagonal containers. Extremely volatile, the gas causes large explosions if subjected to heat or electricity.
| - Vespene gas is usually green in color, though the color may change through contamination; silver vespene deposits have been observed. It is highly prized by terrans due to its unusually high potential energy rating and as such, is used as a fuel in high-performance engines, energy reactors and simple vehicles in a manner similar to Earth's fossil fuels. Often found in geysers, deposits of vespene can be found on many planets along the galactic rim and in asteroid fields, a number of space platforms having been built to harvest the resource. In addition, vespene can be extracted directly from a planet's crust, albeit with more difficulty. Deposits can be found via geo-survey units, courtesy of the gas's electromagnetic returns. Crystallized vespene can also be found alongside mineral fragments inside asteroids. Purity of the vespene is highly valued. Hydrogen sulfide is one such impurity, causing the gas mixture to become explosive. Contaminated vespene has a yellowish tinge. Liquid vespene is also usable. Vespene gas is also used by other races. The zerg have adapted themselves to use raw vespene as a source of nourishment to drive their greatly accelerated metabolisms due to the gas's high-caloric capacity, raw vespene exposure resulting in enhancement of the ultralisks physical capabilities. In contrast, the protoss use vespene as a catalyst for their psi-driven machines. Vespene formations slowly regrow over time on planets such as Antiga Prime, contributing greatly to the ability of terrans to survive in the Koprulu Sector. However, while vespene geysers effectively have an unlimited amount of gas within them, after a certain point, the geyser "collapses", with only trace amounts of vespene able to be found. Later reports by Universal News Network stated that vespene was non-renewable, and questioned what would happen when the last geyser was exhausted. Vespene gas is somewhat flammable if fire of a high enough temperature is applied and explosive with sufficent firepower. During the era of the Terran Dominion, the Geological Procurement Services division was assigned with finding and exploiting vespene geysers for the Dominion war effort.
- "You require more Vespene Gas." -Judicator Aldaris Vespene Gas is a prized natural resource found in abundance in the Koprulu Sector, often used as a fuel source and in the production of advanced military technologies.
- Vespene gas is a type of resource used by all advanced Koprulu Sector races. Valued for its high energy yield, the substance is mainly used as fuel or mutation material. All races use their own unique storage container for the gas: Terrans - cylindrical containers, Protoss - cubes, Zerg - organic bags, and the Vaul = hexagonal containers. Extremely volatile, the gas causes large explosions if subjected to heat or electricity. The gas can be enriched to get greater performance out of machines if one possess technology advanced enough. Due to the mutative nature of unprocessed Vespene, the Zerg have yet to evolve a way to naturally enrich the gas. As such, they usually just raid any storage facilities they find with it as soon as possible.