| - Tier: Probably has some Tier, but it doesn't matter cause of Hakai Name: Bills, Lord Beerus, He Who Will Erase Us Origin: Duragon Bowl Suppa Gender: Pussycat Age: Old Classification: God of Destruction, Eraser of Everything, Nullifier of Hax, Winner of Debates and Match Ups Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts Mastery, Ki Manipulation, Afterimage, EXISTENCE ERASURE, SOUL MANIPULATION, SEALING, TOON FORCE IMMUNITY ← ← ← And don't you ever, ever, EVER forget about these Striking Strength: Hakai Class (Wipes out anyone and anything with the mere raise of a hand)
| - Tier: Probably has some Tier, but it doesn't matter cause of Hakai Name: Bills, Lord Beerus, He Who Will Erase Us Origin: Duragon Bowl Suppa Gender: Pussycat Age: Old Classification: God of Destruction, Eraser of Everything, Nullifier of Hax, Winner of Debates and Match Ups Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts Mastery, Ki Manipulation, Afterimage, EXISTENCE ERASURE, SOUL MANIPULATION, SEALING, TOON FORCE IMMUNITY ← ← ← And don't you ever, ever, EVER forget about these Attack Potency: Universe level++ (Can one shot Fusion Zamasu), At least Doesn't Fucking Matter+ with Hakai (Negates conventional durability, intangibility, non corporeality, Toon Force (and all other hax), Attack Potency, Speed, Fighting Skill, Bloodlust or anything conceivable one could come up with as to why someone could beat Beerus. Hakai erases it all.) Speed: At least Massively Infinite+ (Much faster than Goku who moved in Hit's timestop, his alternate time and Future Trunks' destroyed timeline), but who really cares (Hakai will instantly defeat anyone faster before they'd even think to blitz. And that's just lowballing and assuming Beerus couldn't Hakai the concept speed itself) Lifting Strength: At least Unknown, certainly Stronger Then U (Despite constantly claiming that lifting strength means nothing in a fight, I'll get super defensive if anybody claims someone has greater lifting strength or that Dragon Ball's isn't that impressive) Striking Strength: Hakai Class (Wipes out anyone and anything with the mere raise of a hand) Durability: Irrelevantly Irrelevant with Hakai (Kills all opponents before they'd be able to land an attack or damage him), Truest Infinity against characters with Toon Force (All Toon Force characters' strength and powers comes from their Toon Force. And since Arale's gags didn't work on Beerus, all Toon Forcers would be rendered utterly powerless against him) Stamina: Unknown (Beerus Hakai'd the concept of exhaustion) Range: Hakai may've at best shown Standard Melee Range, but it clearly works from anywhere Standard Equipment: Infinite supply of Anti-Hax Intelligence: Will always immediately think of the perfect strategy to win a match up even if he knows completely nothing about the other fighter
* Hakai: IT ERASES EXISTENCES AND DESTROYS SOULS, IT ERASES EXISTENCES AND DESTROYS SOULS, IT ERASES EXISTENCES AND DESTROYS SOULS! And there's no need for you to further wonder how this works. All you need to know is that it does. And will. Thought someone could stand a chance against Beerus? Wrong. Haikai...
* Sealing: As if Hakai wasn't overkill enough, Beerus can also seal people. This is an instant and guaranteed victory as well.