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1943: Manstein and his Panzer Division break the Soviet encirclement of Paulus and his 6th Army. Stalingrad is then captured by Paulus who is promoted to Field Marshal. General Chuikov is executed by Stalin for failure during the battle. Zhukov then launches the Bear Offensive against the 6th and 19th Armies. However, it is stopped at the town of Vorshilov and Zhukov is driven in rout. The 6th and 19th Armies then encircle Moscow and capture it in late December, killing Stalin.

  • Nazi Victory
  • 1943: Manstein and his Panzer Division break the Soviet encirclement of Paulus and his 6th Army. Stalingrad is then captured by Paulus who is promoted to Field Marshal. General Chuikov is executed by Stalin for failure during the battle. Zhukov then launches the Bear Offensive against the 6th and 19th Armies. However, it is stopped at the town of Vorshilov and Zhukov is driven in rout. The 6th and 19th Armies then encircle Moscow and capture it in late December, killing Stalin.
  • 1943: Manstein and his Panzer Division break the Soviet encirclement of Paulus and his 6th Army. Stalingrad is then captured by Paulus who is promoted to Field Marshal. General Chuikov is executed by Stalin for failure during the battle. Zhukov then launches the Bear Offensive against the 6th and 19th Armies. However, it is stopped at the town of Vorshilov and Zhukov is driven in rout. The 6th and 19th Armies then encircle Moscow and capture it in late December, killing Stalin. 1944: Manstein is made commander of the German forces in Italy. The American landing at Anzio is defeated by combined German-Italian forces and the British 8th Army is driven back to Sicily. The D-Day landings by British and American forces are driven back into the sea by strengthened German forces under the command of Erwin Rommel. The Americans sign a peace with Germany and then Japan at the treaty of Philadelphia where the Americans are forced to cede Hawaii, Midway and the other American controlled Islands of the Pacific to Japan as well as Puerto Rico and the Aleutians to Germany. Winston Churchill resigns as prime minister in September 1944 and is succeeded by Clement Atlee who agrees to a peace with Germany and Japan. In the treaty of Munich Germany receives Kenya and Egypt as colonies as well as the Channel Islands. Japan receives Burma, Bangladesh and parts of Eastern India. 1945: Hitler celebrates the defeat of both America and Britain with a huge party rally at Nuremburg. He announces the Niemesen plan where he plans to reconstruct Europe with new road, railways, factories and ports. Mussolini is given Libya and Ethiopia back as well as parts of Morocco. He is also given Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria during the Salzburg Agreement. 1946: General Tojo of Japan launches the invasion of Eastern China, driving back and destroying the badly organized Chinese forces under the command of Mao Zedong. Hitler launches a new offensive against Russia under the command of Field Marshal Paulus. It drives to the Urals before finally losing momentum. 1947: President Truman of the U.S.A begins the Truman-Bellinger Plan to strengthen U.S defences on the coast of California. America also develops its first Atomic bomb. Hitler announces the German Atomic Bomb Project. 1949: India establishes its independence after being given it by Clement Atlee. President Singh demands that Japan cedes the Eastern Indian territories it received in the Treaty of Munich in 1944. General Tojo launches the Setting Sun Offensive where he commits almost 1 million soldiers to a two pronged attack on India through Tibet in the north and Bengal in the South. The Indians have a huge conscript army of 3 million men, but most of their weapons are obsolete and they have virtually no air support. The result is a disaster for the Indians losing over 612,000 men killed or captured in 2 months. Japanese losses are less than 7000 dead. 1950: General Sejujuai of Japan captures Delhi and sweeps south into southern India. Bombay falls after a 4 month siege and 90,000 Indian dead. General Jokko defeats the Indians at Agra inflicting some 6,000 Indian casualties to just 4,894 Japanese casualties. Germany develops its first Atomic Bomb in October 1950. 1951: Indian forces capitulate at Madras and India is annexed into the Japanese empire. The Indians have lost 1 million men dead. Hitler holds the Koblenz Rally where he declares the success of the Niemesen plan. He also creates the Aryan Order, a medal for all who have done something of civic worth in Germany. Herman Niemesen who drew up the Niemesen plan is the first to be decorated. Germany tests its first atomic bomb 1952: Japan invades Pakistan with 700,000 men under the command of General Sejujuai who masterminded the defeat of India. Karachi is swiftly captured followed by Lahore and Islamabad. Pakistan capitulates after just 3 months of fighting in July 1952. Hitler holds the Trier Rally where he announces the reorganisation of the Reich. The Reich is reformed into 10 provinces: Berlin, Prussia, Pomerania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bavaria, Austria, Rhineland, Saxony, Thuringia and Denmark which is annexed directly within the Reich. Northern France, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Norway and occupied Russia are declared part of the Greater Reich, whereby the peoples of these places do not have the rights of German Citizenship. They will be enslaved under German masters. 1953: Hitler holds the Berlin Rally to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Nazi Party taking power. He also celebrates the 10th anniversary of the taking of Moscow. He unveils the Reichshalle which has been under construction since 1944 and is the largest building ever built. It becomes the new Nazi centre of government. 1954: Hitler demands a plebiscite in Switzerland over whether or not the country will join the Reich. There is a landslide victory in favour of 78%. Switzerland becomes the Reich’s 11th province. In the U.S.A President Truman is defeated in an election by George Patton of the Republicans. He is very militant and begins building up America’s nuclear capacity. 1955: General Tojo dies at the age of 63 of a heart attack, possibly caused by him smoking 50 cigarettes a day. He is given a huge state funeral. He is succeeded by General Sejujuai the hero of Japan’s invasions of India and Pakistan. He launches an invasion of Afghanistan. However, it will not be a quick victory as occurred in India and Pakistan. The Afghans retreat into the mountains, launching devastating raids on Japanese troops killing hundreds and undermining morale. 1957: At the Cologne Rally, Hitler announces the existence of the Pan European Alliance or PEA. It is an Axis dominated grouping designed to subdue any resistance to the Axis in Europe. It is comprised of Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. Great Britain and Ireland refuse to join however. Hitler orders the PEA to embargo these two countries. 1959: The Japanese withdraw from Afghanistan, having lost 78,000 men in 4 blood-soaked years. Riots break out across India and Pakistan and the Japanese have to use brute force to suppress them. Sejujuai’s popularity declines heavily during this period. Gamal Nasser declares Egypt’s independence and routs the small colonial army of Governor Erwin Rommel. He then nationalizes the Suez Canal. The British fund the Egyptian rebellion and Anthony Eden; the prime minister congratulates President Nasser. 1960: Hitler and Mussolini launch a joint force to retake the Suez Canal under the command of the 73 year old Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein. However, the Egyptians are surprisingly resilient, encircling and defeating the Italian 14th Army at El Sarna. Manstein and the 3rd Tank Army are forced to retreat to Libya. 1961: General Garahi of Egypt defeats Manstein at the Battle Badein. Manstein is dismissed from his post in the army by Hitler at the Kiel Rally. Manstein is replaced by Arnold Von Klepper as commander of the forces in Egypt. Once again, however, the Germans are driven back by Garahi, who captures Tripoli and drives the Italians and Germans out of Libya. Mussolini is forced to put down a revolution in Rome. 1963: Mussolini dies at the age of 80 and he is succeeded by his designated successor Giovanni Coporetto. He is forced to put down rebellions across urban Italy against the Fascist regime. President Kennedy of America is accused by Coporetto of secretly supplying the Italian rebels with guns and intelligence. In November 1963 the U.S.A and Britain found the NATP (North Atlantic Treaty Pact). 1964: Göring dies at the age of 71. Hitler declares a week of mourning. Then at the 3rd Berlin Rally he declares a month of huge celebrations in celebration of his 75th birthday, as well as the 30th anniversary of his acquisition of the title of Führer and the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. Hitler also unveils the Reichmuseum a celebration of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler also founds the Reichsbank where all the German Governments money is kept and it is an important broker of international financial commerce. 1965: Hitler launches the Kurtze Program, where he aims to put a German on the moon by the year 1970. President Kennedy and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan of the Tories, re-elected in 1964 on a new wave of popularity in the polls, form TASA (The Trans-Atlantic Space Agency). They announce the Leisemen Plan where they also aim to put a man on the moon by 1970. The space race begins. 1966: Reinhard Kurtze, the man who heads the Kurtze Program dies in a car accident at the age of 49. Albert Schraeber, a surprisingly young scientist, only 30 years old, is made head of the Kurtze Program. President Kennedy is assassinated in this year by John Tamas, an anti civil rights protestor. This year is marked by the deaths of Martin Luther J King, strangled and Malcolm X, drowned. A new Democrat President, James Caning is elected that year. 1967: A recession begins in Europe after the collapse of the recently founded Reichsbank. German GDP value falls heavily, but Italy is particularly badly hit. General Marco Di Sancona begins a rebellion in southern Italy with his 10th Army. Disaffected soldiers join the revolutionary army. Giovanni Coporetto sends the 3rd Tank Army under General Elano Gelforo to defeat Sancona. 1968: Gelforo betrays Coporetto and joins the revolutionary army. Coporetto is forced to flee Italy and goes to Germany. Hitler sends the 18th Army under the command of Field Marshal Gunther Gruppe to defeat the Italian Revolutionaries. However, the Italians capture Rome and install Marco Di Sancona as the new Prime Minister. Victor Emmanuel IV condones the new democratic government. Italy then pulls out of the PEA. 1969: Field Marshal Gruppe is defeated by Di Sancona at the battle of Santo Broglio. 16,000 elite troops are killed and the Waffen-SS 32nd Tank brigade is also destroyed. Gruppe is driven back to Ravenna, where he begins building the Gerhard Line, which is buttressed by landmines, barbed wire and trenches. Initial assaults on the line by Di Sancona and the 10th Army fail. 1970: The American Astronaut Mark Kuller and the British Astronaut Jon Cellier land on the moon in a joint expedition to the moon. Cellier utters the immortal phrase “This is one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind”. The landing of the Endeavour-2 Shuttle on the moon marks Germany's defeat in the space race. Di Sancona breaks through the Gerhard Line, destroying the 16th Army and capturing Gruppe at Milan. The Germans are driven out of Italy. President Caning of America is re-elected by 455 seats. Macmillan and the Tories are re-elected with 410p seats, but Macmillan steps down as PM and is replaced by Enoch Powell. 1971: The immigration quota act is passed in Britain, stating that only 10,000 foreigners can move to Britain every year. It is very popular in Britain. In the U.S.A a plebiscite is held on equal rights for blacks. It passes with the tiny majority of 50.4%. The 11th SS Paratrooper Division lands in Rome to attempt to reinstall Coporetto as Duce of Italy. However, it is defeated by the 3rd Tank Army. A peace treaty is finally signed but Hitler still refuses to recognize the newly democratic Italian State. Spain leaves the PEA this year. 1972: Georgii Zhukov, the leader of the U.S.S.R launches a huge invasion of over two million men and 7000 tanks under the command of Nikita Khrushchev. A massive Rebellion occurs in Moscow called the Vledka Rebellion. 6000 Russian slaves (Under Nazi occupation, workers were no longer paid) attack the Hitlerplaza, the centre of the German occupation. General Conrad Adenauer is killed along with 500 German guards and 60 Gestapo Officers. Moscow is then captured in August by Khrushchev. In this year Canada, Italy and Cuba are admitted to the NATP. 1973: General Sejujuai dies at the age of 101 and is replaced by General Ashiga Komoko. Komoko begins developing the Eino Virus, a deadly new weapon designed to be used in rebellious states. Khrushchev captures Smolensk and St Petersburg in this year. He also destroys the 25th Army under the command of General Markus Von Delft. Finally in July 1973 Johann Zurker of Germany lands on the Moon. However, the space race has been a huge defeat for the Germans and an embarrassment for Hitler. 1974: Ethiopia is given its independence by Italy in this year. TASA head Hugo Laurensis launches the Kennedy Program, in which it hopes to build a space station by 1979. Hitler grants the independence of Russia this year and a symbolic peace treaty is signed by Hitler and Zhukov bringing to an end 33 years of war. Zhukov dies in the same year and is replaced by a young politician Konstantin Kublakov. The Treaty of Minsk signals a new era in world politics. Enoch Powell is re-elected as British Prime Minister with 355 seats. Joseph Mattenski is elected Democrat President with 277 Seats. 1976: Erich Von Manstein dies at the age of 89. He is given a state funeral by Hitler at the 3rd Trier Rally. The Germans also begin building the Reichsroad, a motorway that travels from Brest to Warsaw with other different roads springing off in all directions. British coal workers go on strike during this year in protest to the signing of the Anglo-American Coal Pact, where the British can buy cheap coal from the U.S.A and the Americans can buy cheap Oil from Britain’s one Oil Rig at Skathely, founded the previous year. The riot is put down with police using tear gas. Labour leader Michael Foot criticizes this move heavily. 1977: Hitler declares at the Kiel Rally that the Jewish Race is finally extinct in Europe. A second recession hits Germany in this year due to Swiss bankers hoarding money in the Hoergen Bank. Hitler calls the Swiss “those treacherous gnomes”, and the Swiss are banned from both banking and the civil service. Many are then thrown into the Dachau concentration camp. Sanctions are imposed on Germany by the members of the NATP. 1978: Spain joins the NATP in this year. The Kennedy space station is launched a year by TASA. The SS launches a huge operation called Operation Swisstoht “Swiss Death” where 30,000 Swiss are arrested and sent to Dachau, Belsen, Majernic, Auschwitz and Gubla. This is a supposed punishment for their races involvement in the recession. The republicans are carried back into power lead by George Bush with a landslide of 423 seats. 1979: Enoch Powell is defeated in the British General Election of 1979 by Michael Foot’s Labour Party with 362 Seats. The immigration quota act is scrapped. General Ashiga of Japan suppresses the Tojo Square Protest March organized by the JPCF (Japanese Peoples Communist Front). It is brutally put down by soldiers and 1300 people are killed. In Vichy France President Ganou is kicked out by a rebellion lead by Jean De Gaulle son of Charles De Gaulle. The Vichy State is declared dead and France comes back into being. France leaves the PEA and joins the NATP. During this year at the 4th Berlin Rally huge celebrations are held due to Hitler’s 90th birthday. 1980: Hitler sends the 23rd Army under the command of General Wilhelm Arsen to restore the Vichy Regime. The town of Vichy is captured and Jean De Gaulle is driven back into the Massif Central. Prime Minister Di Sancona stands down as president of Italy during this election and Leonardo Vavelli of the Conservative Party is elected President of Italy. He sends the 6th Army to invade and liberate France. Arsen, however, defeats the 6th Army at Toulouse. In Britain Michael Foot begins a huge building spree of new houses, along with granting the independence of Botswana and Sudan. He also holds a referendum for devolution in Scotland which succeeds narrowly with 50% of the vote. The referendum had a turnout of 89%. 1981: The Eino Virus outbreak begins in Hokkaido in northern Japan. This is after a scientist; Sanako Senakka drops a glass vial of the virus in the laboratory. He inhales it and he spreads the infection to the other scientists who spread it to their families who spread it to the people they work with who spread it to others. Eventually both Emperor Hirohito and Crown Prince Akihito, who are visiting Hokkaido, are infected. After two weeks, the deaths start happening and the emperor and crown Prince die in late December. 1982: Riots begin across the uninfected Japanese islands and in Tokyo, police and military forces are overwhelmed and General Ashiga is executed by JCPF, which declares an end to the Japanese empire and declares Yozuke Matazano, head of the JCPF, President of the Peoples Republic of Japan. In Britain, Michael Foot founds the IWAO (International World Aid Organization) to send aid to Japan which is still recovering from both the break out of the Eino Virus and the huge riots that have lasted for months across Japan. On top of all this Mount Fuji erupts killing thousands of people. Hokkaido is quarantined. The Republicans under George Bush are re-elected with 323 seats. 1983: By now 3 million tonnes of aid have been distributed to Japan. However, Matazano stops this aid coming in declaring that he wants nothing to do with Western Capitalism or with Hitler’s Germany. This marks the final dissolution of the original Axis pact. There are again massive celebrations in Germany at the 5th Berlin Rally to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Nazi taking of power in 1933. Michael Foot wins a landslide election in this year with 401 seats. 1984: There is a massive famine now occurring in Japan and it is estimated that since the outbreak of the Eino Virus, at least 10 million Japanese have died. All other Japanese political parties are banned and the press is completely censored. Hawaii declares its independence from Japan as the independent Kingdom of Hawaii ruled by Emperor Sasano, paying lip service to the defunct Japanese Empire. Within months, hundreds of thousands of Japanese are flocking to Hawaii to escape the communists. 1985: Portugal leaves the PEA and joins the TATP. Leonardo Vavelli is re-elected as Italian Prime Minister in this year. Hitler begins Project Göring where he intends to build a German space station to counter the Kennedy Station. By this year most of the Swiss are now in concentration camps. Michael Foot abolishes the House of Lords in this year. However, this causes the disenchantment with Labour of many middle class voters. 1986: India, lead by Benwar Sannam declares its independence from Japan. The small Japanese 3rd Army is surrounded and its commander General Jokko surrenders. He dies later that year in captivity. The Republicans lose the election this year to the Democrat candidate Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft in 1984, with 299 seats. Michael Foot calls a referendum to abolish the Monarchy. It loses with 90% of the votes against. The turnout was 71%. 1987: Michael Foot and the Labour Party suffer a landslide election defeat to the Tories led by Hugh Cawsley. The Tories gain 468 seats. Ina joint agreement taken at the NATP annual conference, the NATP is changed to the ION (International Organization of Nations) to reflect its worldly status. The immigration quota act is brought back by the Tories in this year. 1988: Yugoslavia is given its independence by Italy’s Prime Minister Vavelli. Its new President is Vlachbly Domitcha. King Victor Emmanuel IV dies in this same year. He is succeeded by his son, Patricio I. A whole week of mourning is declared. Sweden leaves the PEA and joins the ION in this year. Hawaii also joins the ION. At the Chemnitz Rally, Hitler unveils his last design. The Museum of Aryan Culture is a celebration of the Nazi Racist Ethos, recounting the Nazi pogroms against the Jews, the Concentration Camps and the “History of the Aryan Race” Gallery. 1989: In this year Hitler dies at the age of 100 after ruling the Reich for more than half a century. Himmler is declared the new Führer of Germany. Two whole months of mourning are declared and a huge Statue of Hitler is unveiled near Berlin, dwarfing everything in sight. Norway declares its independence under a new King called Haakon. Himmler launches an invasion with the 6th Army. However, it is decisively beaten back by a combined force of Norwegian and Swedish troops. The entire ION imposes harsh economic sanctions on Germany and Germany eventually climbs down. 1990: The German ambassador to the United States, Heinrich Halberte falls under a train. Himmler is convinced that Bill Gates and the CIA planned an assassination, although it was a mere accident. He sends the message that he is training the entire German nuclear arsenal on the U.S, although his panicking advisors and Goebbels try to dissuade him. However, with literally only a few hours to go before the missiles are launched, Himmler receives the news that his grandson, Herbert Himmler, ambassador to Britain is going to marry a Jew. Himmler falls into a state of shock, becomes paralysed and falls over the balcony at the Eagles Nest to his death. His body is never recovered. The world had been saved and Goebbels is declared the new Führer.
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