| - One particular man from Honshu, Japan, was once a minor antagonist to the sensei of Joe Musashi's sensei. The ceremonial warrior believed that peasants should nto be allowed to carry a sword, stating that it was against the "laws of Heaven". When the young boy turned to run, the furious man drew his own blade (knocking over some food) and chased after him. The man was faster and continued to order the young student to stop running. Eventually, he did, performing The Chicken Step on the unwitting man.
| - One particular man from Honshu, Japan, was once a minor antagonist to the sensei of Joe Musashi's sensei. The ceremonial warrior believed that peasants should nto be allowed to carry a sword, stating that it was against the "laws of Heaven". When the young boy turned to run, the furious man drew his own blade (knocking over some food) and chased after him. The man was faster and continued to order the young student to stop running. Eventually, he did, performing The Chicken Step on the unwitting man. While alive, the man was possibly quite important. His uniform was a bold blue and was emblazoned with a three-leafed plant. His insistence on chasing the student with intent on killing him suggested he was an official all too happy to ensure the poor remembered their place. A fellow man also drew his sword, but only one of them chased after the impudent whelp. Whatever the manner of death, the warrior died many decades before 1993, living in a period three generations older than Joe Musashi.