| - Marek "Wampa" Vaiken Stele, originally designated OS-233-09 but later OS-147-02, temporarily going by the callsign Black Seven then Cloak Leader, was a human male ace TIE pilot in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. Marek was a descendent of Odile Vaiken, a Grand Moff in the Sith Empire and the founder of the Sith Imperial Military, as well as Krayk Vaiken, a general in the Sith Imperial Army. Hailing from the industrial planet of Metalorn, he was originally conscripted to become a stormtrooper. However, after taking a turn in a flight simulator, his superiors noticed his potential as a pilot and transferred him to the Bastion Military Academy to train for the Navy as a combat pilot. Upon graduating at the top of his class with the rank of lieutenant, he was first assigned to the 233rd Im
| - Marek "Wampa" Vaiken Stele, originally designated OS-233-09 but later OS-147-02, temporarily going by the callsign Black Seven then Cloak Leader, was a human male ace TIE pilot in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. Marek was a descendent of Odile Vaiken, a Grand Moff in the Sith Empire and the founder of the Sith Imperial Military, as well as Krayk Vaiken, a general in the Sith Imperial Army. Hailing from the industrial planet of Metalorn, he was originally conscripted to become a stormtrooper. However, after taking a turn in a flight simulator, his superiors noticed his potential as a pilot and transferred him to the Bastion Military Academy to train for the Navy as a combat pilot. Upon graduating at the top of his class with the rank of lieutenant, he was first assigned to the 233rd Imperial Fighter Wing. They were defeated at Ord Biniir, but the defeat was evened out by the fact that Marek shot down eleven enemies in his first combat operation, making him an ace. Because of that, Marek was selected for a special test by Vader on Mygeeto. He was successful, and was asked by Vader to join the Black Eight Squadron, his elite unit. In it, he met Mia Ikova, another ace whom he eventually married. Following many successes, in 3 ABY, he was placed into the elite Emperor's Sword squadron, and with that, the Imperial Palace Guard. He attributed his skills to his Force sensitivity. Following the deaths of Palpatine and Darth Vader during the Battle of Endor, an engagement in which Marek participated, he worked for Captain Pelleon, and later, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Being the best pilot in Thrawn's Confederacy, Marek was made head of the main force of TIEs that served Thrawn, Cloak Squadron. Fighting in the Thrawn campaign, he took part in the raids on Bpfassh and the Sluis Van shipyards. Marek was then given multiple Imperial Medals by the Chiss officer, and was placed in command of Storm Squadron. It was a unit of elite pilots the did quick strikes to sensitive areas of the New Republic, and became known as "the Empire's Rogue Squadron. Because of that, he was not available at Bilbringi, where Thrawn died. Following that, Palpatine emerged reborn and called fleet to the Deep Core world of Byss, and Marek complied. In his new Dark Empire, Marek was part of the 147th Imperial Fighter Wing and fought New Republic forces in several battles. After the final death of Palpatine, he joined Admiral Natasi Daala and the new Imperial Remnant. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, starting in 25 ABY, he fought along side Ikova in several battles. Though she was not as skilled as Marek, Ikova was one of his best pilots. Daala noticed this, and made Marek the leader of her Emperor's Shield, the personal escort squadron of the Imperial Chief of State. Marek recruited several ex-Emperor's Sword pilots into the new squad, including Ikova. Later, after the Yuuzhan Vong conflict was over, Pelleon became the Head of State, and Marek served him. Shortly before the Second Galactic Civil War, Marek married Ikova. He fought against the Corellian Confederation during the War, but later for the Jedi after Pelleon decided to switch sides, realizing that the Galactic Alliance leader Jacen Solo was a Sith. After Pelleon was assassinated by Tahiri Veila, and was replaced by Jagged Fel, Marek continued serving under him. His squadron, the Emperor's Shield, often flew escort for him. When Fel met with Leia Organa Solo over Coruscant for a diplomatic meeting aboard his Star Destroyer, Marek was present at the small assembly of troops in the hangar. Later, he fought against Abeloth and the Lost Tribe of Sith. In 43 ABY, Marek was made a Grand Admiral, being the only one since the death of Octavian Grant. When his wife was promoted to Moff of the Thuris Sector, he became the commander of the Thuris Sector Fleet.