The Howling Commandos is a World War II military commando unit led by Captain America.
A photograph taken in 1944 showing the whole group (except Steve Rogers) was on display at Trip's mother's house.
The Howling Commandos were an elite group of soldiers that fought Nazis during World War II.
The Howling Commandos were a World War II elite combat unit of the Western Allies originally led by Captain America. After the war and Captain America's apparent death the unit continued and was led by Dum Dum Dugan.
Howling Commandos war ein Spezialkommando unter der Führung von Captain America im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Es wurde im November 1943 nach einer gelungenen Befreiung der einzelnen Mitglieder in einem HYDRA-Gefängnis durch Captain America gegründet.