| - First Dialogue: Ask me anything you'd like about this exploration base. I'd be happy to answer your questions.
* The living quarters: That's where we're standing right now. We've set up some simple beds and tables to help our crew rest. But most of the staff is so devoted to their research, you're only likely to see them here once every few days. ... Well, that, and a lot of them are addicted to table tennis lately, too.
* The shopping area: The shopping area is located beyond the northeast door once you exit to the central area. There, you can exchange currency to buy food, equipment, and other essentials. We've only got the bare necessities for now, but I'd expect a much better selection before long. ... And speaking of selection, you should check out some of the girls they've got
| - First Dialogue: Ask me anything you'd like about this exploration base. I'd be happy to answer your questions.
* The living quarters: That's where we're standing right now. We've set up some simple beds and tables to help our crew rest. But most of the staff is so devoted to their research, you're only likely to see them here once every few days. ... Well, that, and a lot of them are addicted to table tennis lately, too.
* The shopping area: The shopping area is located beyond the northeast door once you exit to the central area. There, you can exchange currency to buy food, equipment, and other essentials. We've only got the bare necessities for now, but I'd expect a much better selection before long. ... And speaking of selection, you should check out some of the girls they've got working there. Delightful!
* The storage area: The storage area is located beyond the northwest door once you exit to the central area. It's basically a temporary storage facility of medicine and research equipment, as well as food and other goods delivered from outside the base. ... Plus, it's nice and cool inside, and nobody ever goes in there, so it's an ideal spot for ditching work and taking a nap.
* The research and analysis laboratory: The research and analysis laboratory is located beyond the southwest door once you exit to the central area. It's like a completely different world in there. It smells of all kinds of chemicals, and they've got all these tanks filled with... things. ... I bet they drink their coffee out of beakers, too. That's how smart they are in there.
* The communications room: The communications room is located beyond the northern door once you exit to the central area. The group here on Aeos is in contant contact with the moonbase, so there's more people in there than any other area. Commander Grafton and Supreme Commander Gaghan seem especially busy right now. ... You wouldn't believe how much Commander Graftom goes on about his child. He's been showing everyone pictures non-stop...
* The sickbay: The sickbay is located beyond the southeast door once you exit to the central area. If you ever find yourself hurt or not feeling well, that's the place you'll want to go. They usually have weekly checkups for the entire staff, but now they've got their hands full with the SRF crew alone. ... By the way, make sure you check out the nurse there. She's what you Earthlings call a "knockout."
* The latest happenings: I hear the cushions here are out of this world. If you ever need a place to rest, definitely swing on by.
* Never mind: Come back if there's anything else you need.